The Boy in the Red Dress by Kristin Lambert #audiobook is #free through #AudioFileMagazine. It is on my reading list now.
#bookston #BookToot #BookTooters #KristinLambert #History #Mystery
#audiobook #free #audiofilemagazine #bookston #BookToot #booktooters #kristinlambert #history #mystery
#Book 14: Regrets Only by Kieran Scott from #GalleryBooks and #SimonSchusterAudio
A solid, fun #mystery involving socially powerful women who send their children to public elementary school in a small town in Connecticut.
More on #Storygraph if you care to look. For my #Audiobook review, see #AudioFileMagazine
#fiction #BookReviews #BookThoughts @bookstodon @audiobooks
#book #gallerybooks #simonschusteraudio #mystery #StoryGraph #audiobook #audiofilemagazine #fiction #bookreviews #bookthoughts
#book 5: THE BLACKHOUSE by Carole Johnstone (out now from #Scribner )
An uneven Gothic mystery/thriller set in the Outer Hebrides. Descriptions of the setting were nicely done, but plot & pacing didn't always flow.
The #audiobook was very well done. For more on audiobook see my review in #AudioFileMagazine ; for more thoughts in general, click #StoryGraph link below
#Gothic #mystery #reading #BookThoughts #BookReview #Bookstodon @bookstodon @audiobooks
#book #scribner #audiobook #audiofilemagazine #StoryGraph #gothic #mystery #reading #bookthoughts #bookreview #bookstodon
#book 3 for the year: THIS OTHER EDEN by Paul Harding (out soon from #WWNorton )
This character study is based on a dark moment in Maine history: the 1912 forced evacuation of the mixed-race inhabitants of Malaga Island.
For my thoughts on the #audiobook see my upcoming review at #AudioFileMagazine For my general thoughts, see #goodreads
#HistoricalFiction #fiction #reading #BookThoughts #BookReview @bookstodon @audiobooks #Bookstodon
#book #wwnorton #audiobook #audiofilemagazine #goodreads #historicalfiction #fiction #reading #bookthoughts #bookreview #bookstodon
#Book 101 of the year: EXILES by Jane Harper, out in the US in Jan. from #FlatironBooks
This third installment in the Aaron Falk series is set in South Australia's wine country and involves two cold cases and changes in Falk's life. Don't-miss series.
My thoughts are on GoodReads, if you care to take a look. My review of the #audiobook will be published by #AudioFileMagazine
#reading #mystery #books @bookstodon #Bookstodon #bookThoughts #BookReview
#book #FlatironBooks #audiobook #audiofilemagazine #reading #mystery #books #bookstodon #bookthoughts #bookreview