Anybody here going to Forum Acusticum #FA2023 in Torino next week? My team will be there in force with 3 oral presentations:
#auditory #ForumAcusticum2023 #ForumAcusticum #acustics #FA2023 #audiology #psycholinguistics
A few days ago I mentioned the saga of Mrs Mike trying to get an #NHS hearing test, and getting the runaround from our #GP surgery.
We put in an 'admin request' for advice (a veiled complaint).
She was given a same day appointment for a GP today and now has an appointment with the local #Audiology service.
It shouldn't be this difficult.
Similarly to Robert Howard, I'm sceptical that this can be causative, but I know that hearing loss negatively impacts memory loss - how can you remember what you don't hear? And I guess years of hearing loss leads to loss of cognitive stimulation, which would also exacerbate memory loss.
So, it is good to encourage their use.
#Dementia #Hearing #Audiology #MemoryLoss #Inclusion #Health
#Health #Inclusion #memoryloss #audiology #hearing #dementia
Audiology tests today show severe hearing loss in my right ear, and moderate loss in my left ear. Right hearing is permanently damaged, but left may improve a bit.
Not really what I wanted to find out, but a helluva lot better than not knowing what's going on! I can feel my body beginning to relax just a bit.
As mentioned in earlier posts, I come from a hard of hearing family so I've been expecting this - just not overnight.
#audiology #hearingloss #sshl #hardofhearing #tinnitus
so I'm getting #HearingAids in 2 weeks (ordered them & they'll arrive). color: "dark champagne."
since #Covid last august, my ears are full, 24/7, of "the hissing of summer lawns." it really feels like a "phantom sound" phenom, in the setting of bilateral hearing loss (per #audiology).
i made a spotify mix called Hissy Fit that is all sorts of hissing, from rain on the roof of a vw camper to old radio static, water stream, campfire, etc.
auditory bait & switch
#hearingaids #covid #audiology
En lien avec ces réflexions concernant les statistiques observationnelles, voici un billet décrivant l'une de nos études récentes qui visait à appliquer les méthodes d'inférence causale à l' #audiologie : dans les pertes auditives liées à l'âge quel est le poids du vieillissement de l'oreille et celui des déficits cognitifs ?
#CausalInference #Statistics #Statistique #Stat #Audiology #presbycusis #PertesAuditives
#statistique #stat #audiology #presbycusis #PertesAuditives #audiologie #causalinference #statistics
En lien avec ces réflexions concernant les statistiques observationnelles, voici un billet décrivant l'une de nos études récentes qui visait à appliquer les méthodes d'inférence causale à l' #audiologie : dans les pertes auditives liées à l'âge quel est le poids du vieillissement de l'oreille et celui des déficits cognitifs ? #CausalInference #Statistics #Statistique #Stat #Audiology #presbycusis #PertesAuditives
#statistics #PertesAuditives #presbycusis #audiologie #causalinference #statistique #stat #audiology
RT @cochlearinkwell
Excited to share that I am now the Chief of Audiology at @UCSF_OHNS ! Looking forward to collaborating with this talented team, conducting clinical research and enhancing patient care in audiology. #hearingloss #tinnitus #audiology #hearingaids #clinicalresearch #patientoutcomes
#patientoutcomes #ClinicalResearch #hearingaids #audiology #tinnitus #hearingloss
Puisque j'ai maintenant migré essentiellement sur mastodon, il est temps de déménager mes affaires ici ! Voici un fil où je listerai les billets publiés sur mon blog (essentiellement de la vulgarisation scientifique sur la #psycholinguistique #psycholinguistics, les #stats #statistiques, l'#audiology #audiologie, et parfois les #SciencesCognitives #CognitiveScience en général) ⬇️
#psychoLinguistique #psycholinguistics #stats #statistiques #audiology #audiologie #sciencescognitives #cognitivescience
Wow, prior art from 1973! It is someone's PhD dissertation. I don't know if I was previously aware of a P. W. Stevenson. I cannot figure out what names those initials stand for.
Hello #Auditory #Science folks, do you know who this is?
Stevenson, P. W. (1973). Reaction time measurements in speech discrimination tasks—An automated system with closed response sets. Journal of Phonetics, 1(4), 347-367.
#auditory #science #auditoryneuroscience #audiology #slhs
Working on a presentation for next week.
Gonna discuss hearing aid delivery models as if they were fashion
Haute couture : Custom-made hearing aids, personalized consultations and fittings. Expensive, limited supply of audiologists
Ready to wear / Off the rack: Non custom hearing aids fit by an audiologist/dispenser OR Over-the-counter hearing aids made by trustworthy fashion houses, oops, I mean manufacturers. Moderate expense option with wider availability...
As someone who suffers from tinnitus as a result of a long ago surgery, it is not a trivial affliction. There is help available and this is discussed in the article.
#HearingLoss #tinnitus #audiology
#audiology #tinnitus #hearingloss
My abstract, just submitted to the #AcousticalSociety
Monte Carlo Simulation of Pure Tone Audiometry Reveals Threshold-dependent Differences in Error
#acousticalsociety #hearing #acoustics #audiology #slhs
My abstract, just submitted to the #AcousticalSociety
Monte Carlo Simulation of Pure Tone Audiometry Reveals Threshold-dependent Differences in Error
#acousticalsociety #hearing #acoustics #audiology #slhs
Do you monitor your home or workplace #CO2 levels? Perhaps with an #Aranet4? I am in the preliminary stages of a project on #Audiology and C02 and want to connect!
Do you monitor your home or workplace #CO2 levels? Perhaps with an #Aranet4? I am in the preliminary stages of a project on #Audiology and C02 and want to connect!
How did gender, age, and first language interact with take-up of #telehealth #audiology services following #COVID19 at #HearingAustralia? Not much!
#telehealth #audiology #COVID19 #hearingaustralia
This is potentially awesome, life-changing news for anyone afflicted with #NerveDeafness ... It may have come along too late in life to help me, since it's still in the preliminary-research phase. But this made me very happy to read about! [Tip o'the hat to @researchbuzz for the news!]
#deaf #disability #hearing #otology #audiology
#nervedeafness #deaf #disability #hearing #otology #audiology
Welcome to Mastodon to one of my favourite #nztwits and irl humans: @zaynophobia
#audiologist #audiology #aotearoa #NZTwit #aucklanduni #NZTwits