Had the Audiomoth out last night first time in ages, not sure if it will detect anything but I remembered about it after an interesting discussion on using passive accoustic monitoring to detect rats on islands. You can also use it for NocMig (recording the calls of nocturnally migrating birds overnight) which I'd never thought of!
#audiomoth #AcousticMonitoring #smallmammals
When you're married to a scientist, sometimes your front lawn might look like this.
(My wife studies bird song and has just received some new GPS-enabled #AudioMoth audio recorders. The GPS can ensure high accuracy in the recorders' clocks, which should allow them to be used to triangulate exactly where a sound comes from, using the slight difference in arrival time of the same sound at different recorders. She's testing how well this works on our front lawn.)
#audiomoth #ScienceAtHome #science
Very cool development from #OpenAcousticDevices:
> Audiomoth GPS Sync allows AudioMoth to make audio recordings that are precisely synchronised against GPS time. It consists of custom device firmware that generates standard unsynchronised WAV files along with a custom CSV file containing synchronisation information. A desktop app uses these files to generate synchronised WAV files that are aligned with GPS time to better than 1 microsecond.
#openacousticdevices #audiomoth #openhardware
Check out the new #Audiomoth GPS Sync firmware and App by:
Using the custom sunrise and sunset settings and locating animal positions with this synchronised WAV files sounds great. #tech4wildlife #bioacoustics
#audiomoth #tech4wildlife #BioAcoustics
RT @LydiaKatsis@twitter.com
Hello Twitter friends --- anyone have an idea what is making the sound in the foreground of this clip ? Recorded in the #tropical #forest of Belize using #AudioMoth -- any help greatly appreciated!!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/LydiaKatsis/status/1605239059634589696
@rspfau @dubh I'm storing the AudioMoth recordings for later use, as I do with an AudioMoth continuously recording in our garden. My wife's a bird audio specialist, and has pulled out some bird songs from other recordings I've made, using a combination of Kaleidoscope and a new machine learning system she's developed with a colleague. Still, in NZ there's not yet a big library of reference recordings to train on all NZ birds, so I'm waiting and storing.
#AudioMoth #AcoutistMonitoring
#audiomoth #acoutistmonitoring
I'm interested in #AudioMoth biodiversity monitoring at our #FieldStation. Would like to make contacts with folks having some experience.
#audiomoth #fieldstation #BioAcoustics #ecoacoustics #acousticecology
I've spent a week sitting in on international conference sessions on the use of AudioMoth data loggers in bioacoustic ecology work, which has been incredibly interesting in terms of learning about deployment, monitoring techniques, and data analysis, which I hope will inform how I use mine for passive sound art recordings. What was disturbing was how many academics presenting only shared their 'bird' social presence. I'm loath to engage in that space any more.
#audiomoth #bioacoustics #ecoacoustics #soundart
It was a big day starting with an international AudioMoth acoustic ecology online conference with Barbastella Ecology, 5 hours of content production & a couple of hours of equity action planning with a client. I can’t say my days aren’t diverse. An unwind with the doggos at dusk before the circus starts again tomorrow.
#AcousticEcology #AudioMoth #ContentProduction #EquityAction #DogsOfMastodon
#acousticecology #audiomoth #contentproduction #equityaction #dogsofmastodon
Erkenntnis aus einer Nacht Herbstbalz: andauernde Balzrufe von 17-23h und von 2-5h, direkt anschließend 11 Minuten Rufe des Nestzeigends (Übergang im grafisch überzeichneten Screenshot), dann Ruhe.
#birdsong #owls #audiomoth
Going to try and record some special city wildlife species the coming days. Depending on where you live in #Brussels or even #Belgium some people enjoy having car or motorbike engines make as much noise as possible. The newest trend is trying to make your engine sound like an automatic weapon/mitraillette. I programmed the #audiomoth to record sound only above a certain #loudness/amplitude threshold. It will be a matter of tweaking to get it right.
What will this become? An art project? An activist tool? Sound data for promoting #silence in the city? Who knows...
I also really would like to know what's so fun about it, having people state at you in horror.
I completely hope it will become a phenomenon of the past, like what Gent tries to do. Let's declare this species extinct.
Medium #ramble post :oh_no_bubble:
#ramble #silence #loudness #audiomoth #belgium #brussels