David · @drdrowland
277 followers · 2920 posts · Server fediscience.org

today i tried to get rid of the signal attenuation

i set the value of a gainnode to an unchanging value and i checked the second audio channel but still the signal would cut out or attenuate randomly. the two channels don't seem to be unique, either. it is a single microphone, after all.

#audiophysics #webaudioapi #javascript

Last updated 1 year ago

David · @drdrowland
274 followers · 2916 posts · Server fediscience.org

audioworkletprocessor and webaudio seem to reduce the input amplitude nearly immediately. it's like it's designed to filter noise and it thinks any long-lasting sound is noise. so if i play it a 100 hz tone the amplitude of the waveform starts out how i expect it to, but either gets cut off completely or the waveform reduces in amplitude over the course of ten seconds.

super weird. i'm open to suggestions.

#audiophysics #webaudioapi #javascript

Last updated 1 year ago