@sebsauvage Perso, j'accroche davantage à Museeks, minimaliste mais super propre. Pas vraiment de gestion des albums mais je le trouve très pratique. #music #audioplayer
Mal eine Frage in die Runde. Kennt jemand einen #Hörbuch-Player bzw. #Audioplayer für Android mit einer umgekehrten Snooze Funktion?
Also der immer nur z.B. 3 Minuten abspielt und dann stoppt, sodass man auf weiter drücken muss. Ich schlafe oft beim Hören ein und suche mich dann später tot, wo ich den Faden verloren habe.
Ich kenne einen, der einen Einschlaftimer hat, aber den muss man ständig neu einstellen.
Gerne auch boosten.
#horbuch #audioplayer #fedipower
Blogartikel: Wenn es darum geht, mit vielen und großen Sample-Libraries umzugehen, stoßen viele Audioplayer schnell an ihre Grenzen.
Can I configure Play/Pause button to work systemwide, regardless of the app playing the music? #sound #shortcutkeys #media #audioplayer
#sound #shortcutkeys #media #audioplayer
recommendations for mp3 players?
- storage >= 64GB or expandable
- headphone jack
- not breaking the bank
- 2nd hand fine
* FLOSS (or can install FLOSS software)
* no touchscreen, wifi or other frills
(a `*` denoting preferable but really not mandatory)
Which Audio Player has Buttons for --15 sec and ++15 sec or so, not just Jump to Start or End of Recording? #rhythmbox #audioplayer
#speelt nu - #listening now
#moOde #audio #audioplayer
#speelt #listening #moode #audio #audioplayer
Audacious 4.3 (beta) released
The new beta release includes two new plugins, as well as new features and bug fixes.
#Audacious #OpenSource #AudioPlayer #Linux #MicrosoftWindows
#audacious #opensource #audioplayer #linux #microsoftwindows
Hat wer Erfahrung mit #audioplayer für nahezu blinde #Senioren um #Hörbücher abzuspielen?
Ein einfaches Seniorentelefon überfordert schon leicht, #Sicht ist stark eingeschränkt (<10%).
Fernseher muss schon sehr laut eingestellt sein, Kopfhörer schmerzen.
Ich suche jetzt mal ein altes #Android #Tablet um den #Homerplayer mal zu probieren.
Weitere Idee oder Boost sind sehr willkommen.
#audioplayer #senioren #horbucher #sicht #android #tablet #homerplayer
I used to only have an audioplayer on me.
Now my #phone basically is my #audioplayer
I don't even use it for making #phonecalls :blobcatthinking:
#phone #audioplayer #phonecalls
Is there an #audioplayer that allows sorting tracks with hashtags instead of playlists? I've seen one (don't recall the name right now), but the UX was terrible (five clicks and popup windows per song is not the kind of interface I'm looking for to quickly sort my library with several hashtags per song).
Thank you for sharing.
Does anyone else remember this? It’s the standard audio player on my Win95 comp. It looks so cool! (Gives me Winamp vibes, haha.) #Windows95 #Nerd #AudioPlayer #Windows
#windows95 #nerd #audioplayer #windows
You are a #playlist aficionado, we see.
We find #QuodLibet great for #playlists because it does #ReplayGain. So no need to adjust the volume constantly.
#playlist #quodlibet #playlists #replaygain #musicplayer #audioplayer #foss
Audacious 4.2 Adds Initial Support for Ogg FLAC Streams, Winamp UI Enhancements
#audioplayer #musicplayer #Audacious #News #App
#audioplayer #musicplayer #audacious #news #app
Software developers! Why is nobody developing a great audio player for macOS?! Something like AIMP is for Windows... We need a proper audio player with great library management and WAVEFORMS!!! Even if it would be costing some money, I'd buy it... #audioplayer #macos #mac #apple #software
#software #apple #mac #macos #audioplayer
Someone please make a proper audio player for macOS!!! We need something like AIMP...I miss the waveform displaying so much... #macOS #musicplayer #mediaplayer #audioplayer
#audioplayer #mediaplayer #musicplayer #macos
Audacious 4.1 Open-Source Music Player Adds Dual Qt+GTK Build, Initial Qt 6 Support
#musicplayer #audioplayer #audacious
#AudioPlayer của Mastodon khá đẹp. Tất nhiên, đẹp thôi. Mình đã thử nhưng khá buồn là không nghe được tiếng. Để thử sau, hoặc chờ bản nâng cấp vậy.
#help #android
Il me semble que #VLC me suce trop de batterie maintenant comme player audio.
Je cherche lecter audio multiformats #audioplayer capable de lire du stream....
Je client open-source de préférence, libre, il y en a surement un sur f-droid de très bien, mais je ne sais pas lequel !
#help #android #vlc #audioplayer