Troed Sångberg · @troed
197 followers · 577 posts · Server

Any people on here? I'm using it to stream to all the speakers (linkplay-devices) via protocol.

Since some time back playback suddenly stops randomly, and sort of often. It's possible to just restart by pressing play again, but it still kills flow :D

When it happens, this appears in the log:

$ ffmpeg: Application provided invalid, non monotonically increasing dts to muxer in stream 0

It's playing from the local music collection so I doubt this is a source lag issue.

#owntone #audiopro #airplay

Last updated 2 years ago

Troed Sångberg · @troed
187 followers · 494 posts · Server

Seems I might fail getting to stream reliably over to the Drumfire. The A10s are fine, but the Drumfire cuts out every few seconds. It's about a meter from the nearest AP so it's definitely not signal strength related. Streaming using AudioPro's own app is fine, but it propably uses the native API.

Here's the thing. The Drumfire also has an ethernet port - but connecting that up results in pure chaos. It will randomly (and often) switch which of the interfaces (ethernet, wifi) has which of the two Mac addresses, and the corresponding internal API id. This causes Owntone to not be able to stream reliably to it at all.

Again, the AudioPro app is fine though (and I just need to tell arpwatch in the router to disregard any shenanigans from those addresses).

I guess the proper solution would be to add support for the API to Owntone. Oh joy.

#owntone #airplay #audiopro #linkplay

Last updated 2 years ago

jayrope · @jayrope
356 followers · 2089 posts · Server

Looking for other DIY audio & instrument people in Berlin for exchange & discussion.

Feel free to DM!


#upcycling #woodwork #metalwork #soldering #diyinstruments #audiopro #audio #diy #berlin

Last updated 2 years ago

▁jayrope · @jayrope
316 followers · 1593 posts · Server

Audio pro question:

How do i go about decoding an MS stereo signal, which is embedded into the same 2 channels as an XY stereo mix? I know how to decode the MS, but obviously now the formerly phase-correct XY signal on the mix is now panned to a mid->side config instead of left<->right - unsure about phasing.

Is there a mathematical way to decode the 2in-1 mix into 2 separate mixes?

Any roadmap helps, thank you!

@audiopro @PatchNotes

#audiopro #encoding #decoding #xystereo #msstereo

Last updated 3 years ago

· @fatuus
178 followers · 23960 posts · Server

En train de jouer avec l'enceinte 🔈 connectée

Ben je suis bluffé 😲

VLAN dédié sans aucune connection internet 🌐 , tout fonctionne a merveille, y compris les mises à jour de firmware !

Un grand bravo à pour ce travail de qualité 👍

Reste plus qu'a essayer d'intégrer ça à 🤞

#audiopro #openhab #iot #music #speaker

Last updated 3 years ago

Gérald Niel ✅ ☭ Ⓐ 🏴 · @gegeweb
458 followers · 19905 posts · Server

#audiopro #dante #ssl

Last updated 7 years ago