Might throw some #TerribleLizards #podcast in there at some point as well, if my brain will allow. Currently at series 7. It's the only podcast I've ever managed to take in.
Cos of my whole #AudioProcessingIssues, podcasts aren't particularly accessible for me. But #DrDavidHone (he wrote The Tyrannosaur Chronicles as well) & #IsziLawrence are so easy (& fun) to listen to.
So if you have any interest in #dinosaurs, #palaeontology, #pterosaurs, etc. I highly recommend it. It is suitable for all ages, no matter how much or little you already know.
#terriblelizards #podcast #audioprocessingissues #drdavidhone #iszilawrence #dinosaurs #palaeontology #pterosaurs
When you work as a captioning agent but you’re #audhd and in burnout so everything is loud muddy and triggering - and the vdi and captioning software your toxic employers make you use is half baked so it’s always freezing/glitching/spitting out nonsense anyways - NIGHTMARE. FUEL. Being unsupported by management & only paid 12/hr for three years doesn’t help. #spiraling #audhd #burnout #hell #underpaidoverworked #AuDHD #audhdburnout #audioprocessingissues #sensoryhell #micromanagementnightmare #makeaccomodationsaccessible #mismanagement #sinkingship #toxicworkculture
#AuDHD #spiraling #burnout #hell #underpaidoverworked #audhdburnout #audioprocessingissues #sensoryhell #micromanagementnightmare #makeaccomodationsaccessible #mismanagement #sinkingship #toxicworkculture
Just bought some of those Calmer ear plug things that are supposed to “reduce stressful sounds” and help focus on important ones. Not quite sure what to expect but if they do what I’m hoping maybe I’ll be able to hold a conversation in a crowded place without having every other noise at the same volume? Dunno, hope so! Anyone else use them or similar?
#soundsensitivity #misophonia #audioprocessingissues
penis with the jubset?? The penis part is too clear to ignore #audioprocessingissues