Trying to get back into doing some writing on a regular basis, and did a write-up/review on Bespoke Synth. It's not exactly new, but I don't see it getting a lot of love, and I think it deserves some.
#bespokesynth #audiosoftware #daw #musicproduction #review
Logic-based 'noisebox' synths NANDroid and XORBot have both been updated to V1.01, with the biggest change being that MIDI note value is now available as a modulation source in any of the assignable slots. This change is largely thanks to a user request.
#synthesizers #vsti #noise #softsynth #audiosoftware #plugin #synthedit #software
#synthesizers #vsti #noise #softsynth #audiosoftware #plugin #synthedit #software
I'm a classical musician (PhD in composition) who has been paying for my cats' food by software development since the 1980s.
Java since its beta, and now mostly Swift on iOS/macOS (along with C++ for audio code).
#introduction #interests #classicalmusic #ChamberMusic #opera #computermusic #Jazz #ballet #theater #performingarts #books #cats #Caturday #mainecoon #composer #iosmusic #swiftui #audiodevelopment #audiosoftware #history #prehistory #ancientrome #ancienthistory #lingualatina
very nice deal:
#professional #audiosoftware
#blackfriday special
very clean and easy to use
well.... as already mentioned:
#blackfriday #audiosoftware #professional #ssl
#Audacity, the great FOSS #audiosoftware now availlable in version 3.0.