Anybody here going to Forum Acusticum #FA2023 in Torino next week? My team will be there in force with 3 oral presentations:
#auditory #ForumAcusticum2023 #ForumAcusticum #acustics #FA2023 #audiology #psycholinguistics
Electrophysiological evidence for increased auditory #crossmodal activity in adult #ADHD " "#visual cortex shows more activation during a focused #auditory task in adults with ADHD than in healthy controls"
#auditory #visual #adhd #crossmodal
(2014) Tracking the evolution of #crossmodal #plasticity and visual functions before and after sight-restoration (PDF) "In primary #visual #cortex, crossmodal #auditory responses overlapped with visual responses and remained elevated even 7 mo after surgery" #neuroscience
#neuroscience #auditory #cortex #visual #plasticity #crossmodal
In this conference paper for #ForumAcousticum #FA2023 we replicate Ahumada's seminal experiment from 1975 on tone-in-noise perception using our own #OpenSource fastACI toolbox (, and we analyze the data obtained by an artificial listener from the (also #OpenSource) Auditory Modeling Toolbox on the task. It's very satisfactory to have a network of interconnected toolboxes working together... And of course all analyses can be reproduced easily using the commands listed in the article. You can even run the experiment on yourself to replicate Ahumada's original results! #replication #OpenCode #Auditory #Psychoacoustics
#opensource #replication #opencode #auditory #psychoacoustics #ForumAcousticum #FA2023
An excerpt from Thomas Mann's Doctor Faustus about #music and ambiguity:
« Relationship [in music] is everything. And if you want to give it a more precise name, it is "ambiguity." To illustrate the meaning of the word, he played for me chord-progressions belonging to no definite key; demonstrated for me how such a progression fluctuates between C major and G major, if one leaves out the F [...] how it keeps the ear uncertain [...] "You know what I find?" he asked. "That music turns the equivocal into a system. Take this or that note. You can understand it so or respectively so. You can think of it as sharpened or flattened, and you can, if you are clever, take advantage of the double sense as much as you like." »
This somewhat echoes the conclusion of a scientific paper by Pressnitzer, Suied and Shamma on #Auditory Scene Analysis :
« Music is an especially challenging stimulus to make sense, as most of it is abstract without any clear reference to an external object. By embedding several latent perceptual organizations into complex acoustical scenes, music may well be able to challenge the listener with a rich set of possibilities that can be freely entertained, with no other potential consequence than being surprised, rejoiced, or moved. » #ASA #AuditorySceneAnalysis #MusicPerception #Cognition #CognitiveScience
#auditory #asa #music #musicperception #cognition #cognitivescience #auditorysceneanalysis
An excerpt from Thomas Mann's Doctor Faustus about #music and ambiguity:
« Relationship [in music] is everything. And if you want to give it a more precise name, it is "ambiguity." To illustrate the meaning of the word, he played for me chord-progressions belonging to no definite key; demonstrated for me how such a progression fluctuates between C major and G major, if one leaves out the F [...] how it keeps the ear uncertain [...] "You know what I find?" he asked. "That music turns the equivocal into a system. Take this or that note. You can understand it so or respectively so. You can think of it as sharpened or flattened, and you can, if you are clever, take advantage of the double sense as much as you like. »
This somewhat echoes the conclusion of a scientific paper by Pressnitzer, Suied and Shamma on #auditory Scene Analysis :
« Music is an especially challenging stimulus to make sense, as most of it is abstract without any clear reference to an external object. By embedding several latent perceptual organizations into complex acoustical scenes, music may well be able to challenge the listener with a rich set of possibilities that can be freely entertained, with no other potential consequence than being surprised, rejoiced, or moved. » #ASA #AuditorySceneAnalysis #MusicPerception #Cognition #CognitiveScience
#music #asa #auditory #auditorysceneanalysis #musicperception #cognition #cognitivescience
An excerpt from Thomas Mann's Doctor Faustus about #music and ambiguity:
« Relationship [in music] is everything. And if you want to give it a more precise name, it is "ambiguity." To illustrate the meaning of the word, he played for me chord-progressions belonging to no definite key; demonstrated for me how such a progression fluctuates between C major and G major, if one leaves out the F [...] how it keeps the ear uncertain [...] "You know what I find?" he asked. "That music turns the equivocal into a system. Take this or that note. You can understand it so or respectively so. You can think of it as sharpened or flattened, and you can, if you are clever, take advantage of the double sense as much as you like. »
This somewhat echoes the conclusion of a scientific paper by Pressnitzer, Suied and Shamma on #auditory Scene Analysis :
« Music is an especially challenging stimulus to make sense, as most of it is abstract without any clear reference to an external object. By embedding several latent perceptual organizations into complex acoustical scenes, music may well be able to challenge the listener with a rich set of possibilities that can be freely entertained, with no other potential consequence than being surprised, rejoiced, or moved. » #ASA #AuditorySceneAnalysis #MusicPerception
#musicperception #music #auditory #asa #auditorysceneanalysis
#Deafness induces complete #crossmodal #plasticity in a belt region of dorsal #auditory #cortex "In early-deaf dorsal zone of auditory cortex, no auditory activation was observed, but 100% of the neurons were responsive to #visual cues"; #multisensory #neuroscience
#neuroscience #multisensory #visual #cortex #auditory #plasticity #crossmodal #deafness
#Metamodal coupling of #vibrotactile and #auditory speech processing systems through matched stimulus representations via @AV_SP ; "benefitting the design of novel #sensory #substitution devices that aim to tap into existing processing streams in the brain"; #neuroscience
#neuroscience #substitution #sensory #auditory #vibrotactile #metamodal
This research is at the juncture between #psycholinguistics, #phonetics and #auditory perception, employing the Auditory #ReverseCorrelation (#revcorr) experimental paradigm. This approach unravels the acoustic cues employed by listeners in diverse auditory tasks, shedding light on individual perception strategies. @psycholinguistics
#psycholinguistics #phonetics #auditory #ReverseCorrelation #Revcorr
@psycholinguistics We Work at the boundary between #psycholinguistics, #phonetics and #auditory perception, employing the Auditory #ReverseCorrelation (#revcorr) experimental paradigm. This approach unravels the acoustic cues employed by listeners in diverse auditory tasks, shedding light on perception strategies.
#psycholinguistics #phonetics #auditory #ReverseCorrelation #Revcorr
Comparing mental imagery experiences across visual, auditory, and other sensory modalities "most people reported that #auditory #mental #imagery was #superior to #visual mental imagery on almost every metric tested, except with respect to spatial properties"
#visual #superior #imagery #mental #auditory
This is such an excellent thread covering so many variables for running #games, especially #TTRPGS, and mentions the effects actions can have on those with #autism, #ADHD, all kinds of #visual, #auditory, or #processing #disabilities, and how to tweak #gaming to include and make as enjoyable as possible for everyone.
#games #ttrpgs #autism #adhd #visual #auditory #processing #disabilities #gaming #globalaccessibilityawarenessday #gaad #gaad2023
RT @AuditoryAging
Seeking POSTDOC in auditory cognition & fMRI @AuditoryAging @rotmanresearch: (#hearing #cognition #auditory), please retweet.
@AROMWM @SfNtweets @apanhearing
@CanBlackSci @BlackInNeuro #LGBTSTEM #WomenInSTEM #indigenousSTEM #disabledInSTEM
#hearing #cognition #auditory #lgbtstem #womeninstem #IndigenousSTEM #disabledinstem
Auditory hemispheric asymmetry as a specialization for actions and objects by "discrimination of actions relied on temporal modulations, while discrimination of objects relied on spectral modulations"; #auditory #neuroscience
More information in the Twitter thread
#Repetition #plasticity in primary #auditory #cortex occurs across long timescales for spectrotemporally randomized pure-tones (in mice)
#cortex #auditory #plasticity #repetition
Although #RSV is a serious #health issue, this RSV #ad by #GSK promoting their medication is disruptive in the home and also causes auditory issues for me and others with certain health issues and it needs to get pulled off the air, esp local TV stations
Imagine this going off randomly in your home, esp in surround sound with #auditory triggers with your #autonomic disease. #Marketing #TV #Advertising #neuroscience
( Starts Halfway through)
#rsv #health #ad #gsk #auditory #autonomic #marketing #tv #advertising #neuroscience
A fantastic #PhD opportunity to work work on adolescence as a second sensitive period for complex auditory processing with a fantastic supervisor @AxelleCalcus, in a fantastic city! #auditory #development #PhDPosition
#development #phdPosition #auditory #phd
Innovative vision rehabilitation method for #hemianopsia: Comparing pre- and post #audio-luminous biofeedback training for ocular motility improving visual functions and quality of life "combination of #auditory #biofeedback and #visual #stimulation"; #hemianopia #multisensory
#multisensory #hemianopia #stimulation #visual #biofeedback #auditory #audio #hemianopsia
Hello everyone! I'm looking for #London based #Polish #participants for an exciting #auditory
#neuroscience #research. I'm having trouble finding participants who have lived in the UK for less than 18 months, so I'd appreciate your help! 🙏 Study involves listening to an audiobook during EEG recording at Birkbeck. It's relaxing, takes 1 hr and pays £10. Students, non-students, workers, unemployed, temporary residents, or short-term visitors are welcome. Thanks!
#London #polish #participants #auditory #neuroscience #research