Jean Weisinger portraits of Black women writers, artists, and revolutionaries in the 1990s, on display in Staten Island.
#aliceaustenhouse #audrelorde #jeanweisinger
Autostraddle: 55 Literary Books With Great Lesbian Sex Inside Them #Dykes #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #Podcast #CarmenMariaMachado #dorothyallison #Lists/Top10s #EileenMyles #audrelorde #BookLists
#dykes #lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #podcast #CarmenMariaMachado #dorothyallison #lists #eileenmyles #audrelorde #booklists
@fernnfaun reminds me of this #poem “Litany for Survival” by #AudreLorde
6/100 - Audre Lorde / Who Said It Was Simple
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Goicolea’s sculpture features a series of large bronze boulders, some of which are split and filled with glass. The largest one is split but the center is empty. Inside it are two inscriptions from with quotations from Audre Lorde: “Without community there is no liberation…but community must not mean a shedding of our differences” and “Difference is that raw and powerful connection from which our personal power is forged.”
#anthonygoicolea #georgiamuseumofart #artmuseum #audrelorde
Today's poem:
A Litany for Survival
- by Audre Lorde
#poetry #AudreLorde #anxiety #fear #hope #liminal #tenuous #power #decision #personhood
#poetry #audrelorde #anxiety #fear #hope #liminal #tenuous #power #decision #personhood
20.05.23 #Queer Impuls #Stuttgart . Vortrag: #AudreLorde und die Differenz
22.05.23 #SchwäbischGmünd . Lesung: es hat sich auserklärt
23.05.23 Uni #Münster Workshop #BodyPositivity
24.05.23 Uni #Bochum. #Zine Workshop: #behinderte chronisch Kranke und NDStudis #disability
Genauere Infos in den DruKus!
#queer #stuttgart #audrelorde #schwabischgmund #munster #bodypositivity #bochum #zine #behinderte #disability
The literatures of all women of Color recreate the textures of our lives, and many white women are heavily invested in ignoring the real differences.
Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #audrelorde
"rape is not aggressive sexuality, it is sexualized aggression."
Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #audrelorde
For white women there is a wider range of pretended choices and rewards for identifying with patriarchal power and its tools.
Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #audrelorde
"One of the most basic Black survival skills is the ability to change, to metabolize experience, good or ill, into something that is useful, lasting, effective."
Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #audrelorde
Do not be misled into passivity either by false security (they don’t mean me) or by despair (there’s nothing we can do).
Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #audrelorde
"For survival, Black children in America must be raised to be warriors. For survival, they must also be raised to recognize the enemy’s many faces."
Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #audrelorde
"Black women give our children forth into a hatred that seared our own young days with bewilderment, hoping we have taught them something they can use to fashion their own new and less costly pathways to survival."
Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #audrelorde
"One tool of the Great-American-Double-Think is to blame the victim for victimization: Black people are said to invite lynching by not knowing our place; Black women are said to invite rape and murder and abuse by not being submissive enough, or by being too seductive, or too …"
Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #audrelorde
"Perhaps for some of you here today, I am the face of one of your fears. Because I am woman, because I am Black, because I am lesbian, because I am myself — a Black woman warrior poet doing my work — come to ask you, are you doing yours?"
Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #audrelorde
By Audre Lorde
Woman power
Black power
Human power
always feeling
my heart beats
as my eyes open
as my hands move
as my mouth speaks
I am
are you
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #audrelorde
And if you come
I will be silent
Nor speak harsh words to you.
I will not ask you why, now.
Or how, or what you do.
We shall sit here, softly
Beneath two different years
And the rich earth between us
Shall drink our tears
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #audrelorde
If You Come Softly
By Audre Lorde
If you come as softly
As wind within the trees
You may hear what I hear
See what sorrow sees.
If you come as lightly
As threading dew
I will take you gladly
Nor ask more of you.
You may sit beside me
Silent as a breath
Only those who stay dead
Shall remember death.
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #audrelorde
"Women of today are still being called upon to stretch across the gap of male ignorance and to educate men as to our existence and our needs. This is an old and primary tool of all oppressors to keep the oppressed occupied with the master's concerns."
Audre Lorde, Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches
#blackmastodon #BlackFedi #audrelorde