BREAKING: FBI Halts Plans To Release Nashville School Shooter's Manifesto, Citing Writers' Guild Strike
#News #Shooting #Nashville #AudreyHale #Justice #FBI #WGA #WritersStrike
#news #shooting #nashville #audreyhale #justice #fbi #wga #writersstrike
No wonder they don't want anyone seeing #AudreyHale #manifesto #trans #terrorism
#terrorism #trans #manifesto #audreyhale
No wonder they don't want anyone seeing #AudreyHale #manifesto #trans #terrorism
#terrorism #trans #manifesto #audreyhale
#AudreyHale appears to have been seriously deranged #trans #Nashville #TheCovenantSchool
#TheCovenantSchool #nashville #trans #audreyhale
#AudreyHale appears to have been seriously deranged #trans #Nashville #TheCovenantSchool
#TheCovenantSchool #nashville #trans #audreyhale
remember the six Nashville victims #LGBTQ+Pride #audreyhale #nashville
What are they trying to #hide? #manifesto #AudreyHale #TheCovenantSchool #shooting #Nashville
#nashville #shooting #TheCovenantSchool #audreyhale #manifesto #hide
New details from Metro Nashville Police department: Hale fired a total of 152 rounds (126 5.56 rifle rounds and 26 nine millimeter rounds) from the time she shot her way into the school until she was killed by police. Writings show Hale planned the mass shooting for months
#audreyhale #nashvillestrong #covenantshooting #thecovenantschool #nashvillecovenantschool #lockhartvmedia
E' trapelato che #AudreyHale, la killer della strage nella #CovenantSchool, era una persona transgender e che si identificava come un maschio, come è emerso dai suoi profili social.
Ovviamente, il lato conservatore degli #USA accusa Audrey di fare l'ennesima cosiddetta "propaganda #LGBT".
Io auspico solo una cosa: a causa del suo gesto folle, sono morte 6 persone,
tra cui alunni dell'età di 9 anni
a cui sono state stroncate le vite.
Il dibattito non va spostato SU NIENT'ALTRO!
#nsfw #CW #audreyhale #covenantschool #usa #lgbt
Subsequent reporting claimed that #AudreyHale was under treatment for a mental disorder
#schoolshooting #nashville #transgendershooter #audreyhale
Subsequent reporting claimed that #AudreyHale was under treatment for a mental disorder
#schoolshooting #nashville #transgendershooter #audreyhale
Lücken in der ideologischen Erzählung: Trans erschießt Kinder und Lehrer in CHRISTLICHER US-Schule #psychischeErkrankung #Psychopathologie #ConvenantSchool #Transsexuelle #Kriminalität #Psychiatrie #Psychologie #AudreyHale #Nashville #Psychose #Schüler #Gewalt #Mord #Woke
#woke #mord #gewalt #schuler #psychose #nashville #audreyhale #psychologie #psychiatrie #kriminalitat #transsexuelle #convenantschool #psychopathologie #psychischeerkrankung
Those who were so brutally murdered in #NashvilleCovenantSchool Evil is a very real thing
#nashvillecovenantschool #audreyhale #nashvillestrong #covenantshooting #thecovenantschool #lockhartvmedia
Some wisdom from George Floyd regarding "trans folk" ....
#Nashville #NashvilleCovenantSchool #TransTerrorism #AudreyHale #MENTALLYILL
#mentallyill #audreyhale #TransTerrorism #NashvilleCovenantSchool #nashville
The shooter in Nashville was misgendered by #NBC. This was a girl that thought she was a boy. Audrey/Aiden something... & NBC misgendered the person. It is also being rumored that the shooting was "triggered" because this person was mad about the state of Tennessee pushing legislation to ban children transitioning. Maybe tolerance would have prevented this tragedy... or something... like using the $100+ billion we spent on Ukraine to hire armed guards for schools. #Nashville #audreyhale #aidenHale #truth #Ukraine
#ukraine #truth #aidenHale #audreyhale #nashville #nbc
Around 20 MNPD officers gather outside of a home on Brightwood Avenue where ATF & FBI agents have been searching for at least the last 2 hours
MNPD confirm this is the home of the school shooter identified as 28 year old Audrey Hale (aka Aiden Hale). Police say they made contact with the suspect’s father
Nashville school shooter had detailed maps of school, entered building by shooting through door before killings.
#audreyhale #nashvillestrong #covenantshooting #lockhartvmedia