Tonight in 1955 —Ralph and Alice Kramden adopted a baby.
“The Adoption” is the only HONEYMOONERS sketch that legitimately makes me cry.
It’s part of “The Lost Episodes,” but as good as anything in "The Classic 39.”
#TheHoneymooners #ClassicTV #1950sTV #1950s #JackieGleason #AudreyMeadows
#audreymeadows #jackiegleason #1950s #1950stv #classictv #thehoneymooners
“It was always so much fun being around him….He was never depressed by failure or seduced by applause. He couldn’t stand snobbery, fakes, or social climbers. Jackie was street people. He related to the masses."
— #AudreyMeadows
#JackieGleason (1916–1987) was born on this day.
#1950stv #1950s #classictv #thehoneymooners #jackiegleason #audreymeadows
“Audrey is beyond description. She throws you a line and you hit a home run with it every night.”
— #JackieGleason
#AudreyMeadows (1922–1996) was #BornOnThisDay.
#nostalgia #1950stv #1950s #classictv #thehoneymooners #bornonthisday #audreymeadows #jackiegleason
#BOTD #AudreyMeadows who imo steals any scene she appears in THAT TOUCH OF MINK. Her rapport with Doris Day is especially fun in this Automat scene.
#oldhollywood #FilmMastodon #cinemastodon #classicfilm #classicmovies #screwballcomedy #audreymeadows #botd
#ArtCarney, #JackieGleason and #AudreyMeadows rehearsing #TheHoneymooners in 1956.
#classictv #thehoneymooners #audreymeadows #jackiegleason #artcarney