On April 14, 1978, Audrey Rose debuted in Ireland. Here’s some Susan Swift art to mark the occasion!
#AudreyRose #RobertWise #SusanSwift #PsychologicalHorror #SupernaturalHorror #HorrorMovies #Horror #HorrorArt #MonsterVision #GhostFilm #ExploitationFilm #Art #PopArt #ModernArt #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#audreyrose #robertwise #susanswift #psychologicalhorror #supernaturalhorror #horrormovies #horror #horrorart #monstervision #ghostfilm #exploitationfilm #art #popart #modernart #portrait #movieart #moviehistory
After a short hiatus, Steven West's latest Cinemacabre article:
45 years ago, United Artists produced an understated, largely unloved entry in Hollywood's #Occult cycle of the 1970s. No rotating or spectacularly severed heads, a "PG" rating, and a narrative that begins and ends with the death of a child. We celebrate #RobertWise's #AudreyRose, the contemporary fascination with parapsychology and the eclectic career of author Frank De Felitta in our new feature...
#occult #robertwise #audreyrose