"#August21 is the day Benigno “#Ninoy” Aquino Jr., one of the staunchest and, often, loneliest political figures who stood up against the dictatorship of #FerdinandMarcosSr., was gunned down at was then called the Manila International Airport. Aquino had returned to Manila, ignoring the advice of both friends and foes, after years of exile in the United States." #Philippines #NinoyAquino
Remembering Ninoy in Marcos Jr.’s 2nd year as president
#ninoyaquino #philippines #ferdinandmarcossr #ninoy #august21
A list of demands by the striking prisonners of the #august21 #PrisonStrike #usa
A list of demands by the striking prisonners of the #august21 #PrisonStrike #usa
The Strike is still going strong! Follow @iwoc to have updates and more, simple, ways to help! :black_bloc_blob:
The Strike is still going strong! Follow @iwoc to have updates and more, simple, ways to help! :black_bloc_blob:
Articles about the prison Strike
Articles about the prison Strike
Se volete seguire di più, oltre ai link che ho postato ci sono gli hastag #August21 #prisonstrike su twitter. C'è anche un fondo di solidarietà a cui mandare qualche soldino. Trovate tutti i link su prisonstrike.com
Today's the #PrisonStrike ! Join a demo, write a letter, send money, use a superior war machine against a prison! :trebuchet:
Read the zine!
Organise a phone Zap
Print out and distribute flyers and posters
More info : https://incarceratedworkers.org/campaigns/prison-strike-2018
Until all are free, none of use are. :molotov:
#prisonstrike #august21 #prison #usa
Today's the #PrisonStrike ! Join a demo, write a letter, send money, use a superior war machine against a prison! :trebuchet:
Read the zine!
Organise a phone Zap
Print out and distribute flyers and posters
More info : https://incarceratedworkers.org/campaigns/prison-strike-2018
Until all are free, none of use are. :molotov:
#prisonstrike #august21 #prison #usa
Good thread about the situation of prisons in the USA and a word about #august21
Good thread about the situation of prisons in the USA and a word about #august21
Les prisonniers aux États-Unis organiseront demain une grève nationale, le 21 août, exigeant « des conditions de vie humaines, l'accès à la réadaptation, une réforme de la détermination de la peine et la fin de l'esclavage moderne ». Https://incarceratedworkers.org/campaigns/prison-strike-2018 #August21
You can read more about #ModernSlavery in US prisons, and tomorrow’s strike, at https://incarceratedworkers.org/campaigns/prison-strike-2018. End thread. #August21 ✊ #inSolidarity
#modernslavery #august21 #insolidarity
The average ‘wage’ paid to prisoners across the US is 20c an hour. In some states, prisoners have to work for free. They get no sick leave, no holiday pay, and working conditions are often dangerously unsafe. #August21
Slavery never ended in the US. It’s dressed up as ‘correction’ but the US carceral system has no interest in, or motivation for, rehabilitation. On the contrary, recidivism is good for business because it ensures a steady labour supply. #August21
More than 1% of the US resident population is currently incarcerated. That’s close to 2½ million people, mostly from poor and working class backgrounds, mostly black and Hispanic men. Many are in private for-profit prisons where they are forced to work without pay. #August21