@Qwxlea Kind of! It changed a bit every month. I did it as a one time thing in July and didn't really have an official tag. But people liked it so I did a quick one for August with #AugustBookPrompts to help find others doing it.
But now I'm just shortening it to #BookPrompts and leaving the month off for simplicity. Since I realized it's really not that hard for me to put them together I plan to keep doing it every month now with the same tag and basic structure.
#augustbookprompts #bookprompts
Whoa, the weekend was so busy I forgot about #AugustBookPrompts
4 - A type of book you've rarely or never read. (Bonus points: start reading it!)
I read very little horror. Like, 1.25 Stephen King books, that's about it.
Horrorstor was technically horror *comedy* I think, but it was pretty scary in parts!
I might seek out more in that category.
She'd get us a pastry or something to share and a soda for each of us, and we'd just sit and read for awhile. I had a system. I'd read the first chapter of each book and separate it into "YES" and "eh" piles. Then if I still had too many in the first, I'd read the *second* chapter, and so on until I picked the best and would beg my mom for it.
Everything else went on a list for later. But I don't think I've ever or will ever get to the end of the list.
I woke up thinking more about how I used to find books in actual physical stores. And how I've been totally unable to do that in recent years.
I remembered it was a family thing, one of a few activities that made me feel really close to my mom. When she needed new books for work we'd head to the book store for the night, each spend some time collecting a stack of books, then meet back at the cafe part of the store.
3 - How do you typically find new things to read?
Going through the new nonfiction books on Goodreads (yes, yes....).
Back in the day, when I was still acquiring books, it was via Booktube.
And if a friend pitches me something like "gay robots in space" I'm in as well.
3 - How do you typically find new things to read?
I used to just go to book stores and wander around picking up everything that looked interesting.
I suppose I do a version of that now that I read so many ebooks, just a little more guided.
Occasionally one of the recommended books catches my attention and I go check it out. Then I spend like an hour looking at all the related books and wind up with half a dozen new wishlist items.
2 - Pick the first 3 books you see on your shelf or app and sell us on them.
Eh... I can only try to sell you on one because the other two are awful. No Such Thing As Werewolves is just bad and Prophet's Prey has a disgusting subject matter.
The book about aninmals, though, is amazing! Did you know we still don't know how eels procreate and people had the wildest theories over time? I got it read to me yesterday and of the ~30min I laughed about 35 😆
Ok, last one.
I'm not actually that far into Loki: Journey Into Mystery yet.
But I trust the writer and I loved the way he wrote Loki in Young Avengers.
Also, just generally, Loki. 💚
So I'm sure it will be good and is worth a look.
I finished reading Hocus Pocus today, haven't started the sequel part yet.
Good book, good adaptation with some direct lifts I recognize immediately and some cool additions including a brand new character only vaguely referenced so far but I'm sure she'll be important coming up.
There were a few points where it felt a bit fanfic-y, but not too much and in a fun silly in-joke way. Something I would have loved if it *was* fanfic but found a bit odd in an official work.
So, selling people on Fate Core.
It's actually my second-favorite RPG system, the first being Fate Accelerated. It's so great for an ultra-quick just-start-playing game but also has plenty of room for depth as you go.
Fate Core is a *little* more complex, involves just a tiny bit more prep. But it also allows for a *lot* of customization for crunchier players.
Mmmm, crunchy.
Wait, what was I talking about? XD
2 - Pick the first 3 books you see on your shelf or app and sell us on them.
I think this could be a longer one, so I'm gonna list the 3 first and then talk about them in separate posts. Possibly over the course of the weekend.
Fate Core System. Does that count? 😁 I mean, it is a book, I'm counting it.
Hocus Pocus & The All-New Sequel
Loki: Journey into Mystery
1 - Book you've kind of meant to read but haven't yet.
- The Chronicles of Narnia.
There are many more but that one is the one that has been on my shelf (literally, that was even before I discovered ebooks) the longest.
1 - Book you've kind of meant to read but haven't yet.
It was always sort of way at the back of the list, like "I mean, you gotta read it *eventually* right?"
Then I read the #WicDiv issue centered on Shelley (and Byron et al) and got way more interested.
But then I watched some YT thing about it that said it assumed people were familiar with these 4 other books so I figured I should read them first.
But now I think, meh, who cares. I'm gonna read it.
Happy August! Wow, this year is speeding by.
"Down Girl" by Kate Manne for #nfBookClub
"The Power of Meaning" by Emily Esfahani Smith
"Fangs and Catnip" by Julia Talbot
"The Three-Body Problem" by Cixin Liu for #sffBookClub if I can get it from the library this weekend
and a couple more I'll probably add and talk about for the #AugustBookPrompts thing I made.
#amreading #nfbookclub #sffbookclub #augustbookprompts
Theme: Expanding Your Horizons
Prompts for every weekend in August.
1 - One book you've kind of meant to read but haven't yet. (Bonus points: Start reading it.)
2 - Pick the first 3 books you see on your shelf or app and sell us on them.
3 - How do you typically find new things to read?
4 - A type of book you've rarely or never read. Bonus: Read one! (Or just add it to the "eventually" pile.)
5 - Did you read something different for you this month? How was it?