21st Sunday in Ordinary Time – OLGC Catholic Church – St Augustine FL – 8AM Mass https://www.fogolf.com/573461/21st-sunday-in-ordinary-time-olgc-catholic-church-st-augustine-fl-8am-mass/
#21st #8AM #Augustine #Catholic #CatholicChurch #CatholicMass #Church #DioceseofStAugustine #golflady #golfladyvideos #golfladyvlog #golfladyYouTube #mass #OLGC #OLGCCatholicChurchWGV #ORDINARY #OurLadyofGoodCounsel #StAugustineCatholicChurch #StAugustineFL #Sunday #TIME #WGVCatholicChurch #worldgolfvillage
#21st #8am #augustine #catholic #catholicchurch #catholicmass #church #dioceseofstaugustine #golflady #golfladyvideos #golfladyvlog #golfladyyoutube #mass #olgc #olgccatholicchurchwgv #ordinary #ourladyofgoodcounsel #staugustinecatholicchurch #staugustinefl #sunday #time #wgvcatholicchurch #worldgolfvillage
Quick Little Augustine Facts #augustine #biblicallife #hippo #paul
#augustine #biblicallife #hippo #paul
10th Sunday in Ordinary Time – OLGC Catholic Church – St Augustine FL – 8AM Mass https://www.fogolf.com/565039/10th-sunday-in-ordinary-time-olgc-catholic-church-st-augustine-fl-8am-mass/
#10th #8AM #Augustine #Catholic #CatholicChurch #CatholicMass #Church #DioceseofStAugustine #golflady #golfladyvideos #golfladyvlog #golfladyYouTube #mass #OLGC #OLGCCatholicChurchWGV #ORDINARY #OurLadyofGoodCounsel #StAugustineCatholicChurch #StAugustineFL #Sunday #TIME #WGVCatholicChurch #worldgolfvillage
#10th #8am #augustine #catholic #catholicchurch #catholicmass #church #dioceseofstaugustine #golflady #golfladyvideos #golfladyvlog #golfladyyoutube #mass #olgc #olgccatholicchurchwgv #ordinary #ourladyofgoodcounsel #staugustinecatholicchurch #staugustinefl #sunday #time #wgvcatholicchurch #worldgolfvillage
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – OLGC Catholic Church – St Augustine FL – 8AM Mass https://www.fogolf.com/553868/sixteenth-sunday-in-ordinary-time-olgc-catholic-church-st-augustine-fl-8am-mass/
#8AM #Augustine #Catholic #CatholicChurch #CatholicMass #Church #DioceseofStAugustine #golflady #golfladyvideos #golfladyvlog #golfladyYouTube #mass #OLGC #OLGCCatholicChurchWGV #ORDINARY #OurLadyofGoodCounsel #Sixteenth #StAugustineCatholicChurch #StAugustineFL #Sunday #TIME #WGVCatholicChurch #worldgolfvillage
#8am #augustine #catholic #catholicchurch #catholicmass #church #dioceseofstaugustine #golflady #golfladyvideos #golfladyvlog #golfladyyoutube #mass #olgc #olgccatholicchurchwgv #ordinary #ourladyofgoodcounsel #sixteenth #staugustinecatholicchurch #staugustinefl #sunday #time #wgvcatholicchurch #worldgolfvillage
I listened to some of an #Augustine of Hippo audiobook while stitching. The narration of the book is sadly awful, the speech is disjointed like someone using a programme of that person's voice instead of them reading it themselves.
I also managed to get 240 stitches done on my #CrossStitch and I have 720/28500 remaining to complete. Cannot wait to get this to the framers!
I was struck by this quote from St. #Augustine today that I read awhile ago.
"You [God] care for each of us, as if we alone existed." #Confessions book 3 ch. 11
God, in his infinity, has unlimited attentiveness that he pours out on each of us. We are all so personally seen.
Paul Goodman has a line somewhere about how getting distracted is getting attracted to something else. I don't think he attributed the thought to Augustine but maybe it used by too basic and an insight.
> St. #Augustine, one of the Church Fathers of #WesternChristianity. In his autobiographical work, “The Confessions,” Augustine observes that every time we pay attention to one thing, we are distracted from infinitely many other things.
#DavidMarno #ToleratingDistraction
#ToleratingDistraction #DavidMarno #westernchristianity #augustine
> .. what would a medieval monk or a 17th-century preacher make of our complaints about modern distraction?
> I argue, they would, in all likelihood, find them strange...
> Donne uses the distraction he shares with his audience to forge both a community and a moment of attentiveness.
> Its rhetorical flair aside, Donne’s sermon expresses an old and fairly orthodox Christian view about distraction’s ubiquity... this view... St. Augustine
#HolyAttention #GoingMedieval #Christian w/ #Augustine
#augustine #christian #goingmedieval #HolyAttention
> The modern anxiety about distraction betrays a good deal about us. Insofar as we associate attention with power and control, it reflects our fears of losing both in an increasingly unpredictable cultural and natural climate. We also find ourselves living in an economy where we pay for cultural goods with our attention, so it makes sense that we worry about running out of a precious currency.
#JohnDonne #Augustine on #Distraction for #AttentionEconomy #DavidMarno
#DavidMarno #attentioneconomy #distraction #augustine #johndonne
Musik-Tipp: Wer #TameImpala [1] hört, dem gefällt vielleicht auch #Augustine [2] aus Schweden.
PS: Augustine ist ein Künstlername. Dahinter verbirgt sich Fredrik Gustafsson. Die Schwedische Wikipedia benutzt als Pronomen "er", falls sich jemand diese Frage stellt.
[1] https://open.spotify.com/artist/5INjqkS1o8h1imAzPqGZBb
[2] https://open.spotify.com/artist/1esNGCDFDiy6sKEqPhlLb4
RT @FarleyKatz1@twitter.com
Manuscript leaf of #Augustine's SERMO XLIV. De verbis Isaiae cap. LIII, v. 2-9, paras. 2-6, more or less. Used as a cover on a folio book; backside scraped nearly clean of text. XII c. #Fragmentology
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/FarleyKatz1/status/1616931860445073408
Here's my answer to a Quora question "What was your first experience with philosophy?" I end up talking about some of my earliest experiences and encounter . . . plural
#Question #Answer #Camus #Augustine #Plato #Aristotle #Philosophy
#philosophy #aristotle #plato #augustine #camus #answer #question
The forum and #Byzantine fort in #Madauros in #Algeria. It had been made a #Roman colony for veterans in the first century during the reign of the Emperor Nerva.
The town was the birthplace in 124AD of the Numidian #Apuleius who wrote the only #Latin Roman novel, "The Golden Ass" or "Metamorphoses", to survive fully intact. He also coined the proverb "familiarity breeds contempt."
Saint #Augustine of Hippo studied there in the 4th century.
#byzantine #madauros #algeria #roman #apuleius #latin #augustine #numidia #rome #ancienthistory #histodons #classics
Il y a des messages destinés aux nouveaux arrivants sur Mastodon qui ressemblent davantage à une liste d'injonctions qu'à une aide réelle. Mais ne vaudrait-il pas mieux appliquer la belle phrase de saint Augustin : "Aime et fais ce que tu veux" ?
(source : Homélies sur la première épître de saint Jean, VII, 8) #mastodon #augustine
Il y a des messages destinés aux nouveaux arrivants sur Mastodon qui ressemblent davantage à une liste d'injonctions qu'à une aide réelle. Mais ne vaudrait-il pas mieux appliquer la belle phrase de saint Augustin : "Aime et fais ce que tu veux" ?
(source : Homélies sur la première épître de saint Jean, VII, 8) #mastodon #augustine
'.. the story of a pirate captured by #AlexanderTheGreat, who asked him “how he dares molest the sea.” “How dare you molest the whole world?” the pirate replied: “Because I do it with a little ship only, I am called a thief; you, doing it with a great navy, are called an Emperor.”
The #pirate’s answer was “elegant and excellent,” St. #Augustine relates.'
#NoamChomsky #PiratesAndEmperors #Obama #Angola #Nicaragua #Cuba #Kennedy
#kennedy #cuba #nicaragua #angola #obama #PiratesAndEmperors #noamchomsky #augustine #pirate #alexanderthegreat