Huge ancient Roman baths discovered in Augusta Emerita
Archaeologists excavating in the ancient Roman colony of Augusta Emerita in Mérida, Spain, have uncovered a large and well-preserved public bathing complex adjacent to the city’s theater and amphitheater.
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#archaeology #archeology #archeologia #arkeoloji #archaeologynews #augustaemerita #romanarchitecture #augustus
#augustus #romanarchitecture #augustaemerita #archaeologynews #arkeoloji #Archeologia #archeology #archaeology
BOVAG en RAI Vereniging constateren dat voornamelijk de keus voor een elektrische auto vaker wordt
Nu op NL Actueel 24: Stijging aantal autoregistraties zwakt af in augustus
#stijging #autoregistraties #augustus
Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa (l. #History #Augustus #MarcusAgrippa #RomanEmpire
#romanempire #marcusagrippa #augustus #History
Die #Balsam AG mit dem #Betrug von 1,3 MRD als Vorbild für den #Augustus- und #wirecard ?
Aus dem Kreis der #Aufklärung um Gustl #Mollath kam ein Hinweis auf den Fall aus den 1970ern:
"Unter Eingabe von Arte Milliardencoup können Sie sich das Ergebnis ansehen"
Keine rechtlichen Konsequenzen? staatliche Mittäterschaft aus Unfähigkeit?
#mollath #aufklarung #wirecard #augustus #betrug #Balsam
#eng #Today at #29BC #Octavian #augustus celebrated the first of his triple #triumph, a #victory over the #Dalmatae.
#ita #Oggi nel 29 a.C. #Ottaviano Augusto celebrò la prima di tre #trionfi, la #vittoria contro i #dalmati.
#feriaeaugusti #italy #italia #august2023
#eng #today #29bc #octavian #augustus #triumph #victory #dalmatae #ita #oggi #ottaviano #trionfi #vittoria #dalmati #FeriaeAugusti #italy #italia #august2023
Mooi weer, Bach, Hertog-Jan, kranten lezen :-) Tot nu toe ben k wel tevreden over #augustus
Eerste week van #augustus hebben we een #vakantie weekje gepland. We willen graag naar #Duitsland, de #moezel regio. Iemand tips over wat daar te doen? (En wat #rolstoeltoegankelijk is).
#rolstoeltoegankelijk #moezel #duitsland #vakantie #augustus
Propaganda played an important role in Octavian (l. #History #Actium #Augustus #CleopatraVII
#cleopatravii #augustus #actium #History
Cleopatra VII (l. #History #AlexanderHelios #Alexandria #Augustus
#augustus #alexandria #alexanderhelios #History
The Vigiles (or cohortes vigilum) were formed during the reign of Augustus to act as ancient Rome's permanent firefighting service. #History #Augustus #CohortesUrbanae #MarcusLiciniusCrassus
#MarcusLiciniusCrassus #cohortesurbanae #augustus #History
The Meroe Head, so-called because it was found beneath a temple in the ruins of Meroe, is the head of a larger-than life statue of Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus (better known as Augustus Caesar) the first Emperor of Rome (reigned 31 BCE-14 CE). #History #Augustus #Meroe #RomanArt
#RomanArt #meroe #augustus #History
The Roman Standard (Latin: Signum or Signa Romanum) was a pennant, flag, or banner, suspended or attached to a staff or pole, which identified a Roman legion (infantry) or Equites (cavalry). #History #Arminius #Augustus #PubliusQuinctiliusVarus
#publiusquinctiliusvarus #augustus #Arminius #History
The Ara Pacis Augustae or Altar of the Augustan Peace in Rome was built to celebrate the return of Augustus in 13 BCE from his campaigns in Spain and Gaul. #History #Altar #Augustus #LiviaDrusilla
#liviadrusilla #augustus #altar #History
Studente aggredito, le scuole si mobilitano
Non è rimasto solo il rappresentante degli studenti del #LiceoAugusto di Roma, aggredito e minacciato venerdì scorso da due militanti di estrema destra. Oltre alla mobilitazione di tutte le
The post Studente aggredito, le scuole si mobilitano first appeared on il manifesto.
Student attacked, schools mobilise
The student representative of the #Augustus High School in Rome, who was attacked and threatened last Friday by two extreme right-wing militants, is not alone. In addition to the mobilisation of all
The post Student attacked, schools mobilise first appeared on il manifesto.
23-5-2023 0:1 #il manifesto
The Roman Standard (Latin: Signum or Signa Romanum) was a pennant, flag, or banner, suspended or attached to a staff or pole, which identified a Roman legion (infantry) or Equites (cavalry). #History #Arminius #Augustus #PubliusQuinctiliusVarus
#publiusquinctiliusvarus #augustus #Arminius #History
Augustus Caesar (27 BCE - 14 CE) was the name of the first and, by most accounts, greatest Roman emperor. #History #AugustaRaurica #Augustus #BattleofActium
#battleofactium #augustus #augustaraurica #History
I found Rome a city of bricks and left it a city of marble.
– Augustus
#augustus #quoteoftheday #29Aprile
There were periods - including the chaotic transition of power from G. #JuliusCaesar to his adopted son #Octavianus, later Caesar '#Augustus' - during which the crown was passed on directly to an heir, but a lot of time it was through cliques and patronage.
NEVERTHELESS - for many years between the kicking-out-on-his-ass of #Tarquinius the ex-Rex, Rome would mark the Regifugium as a celebration of democracy and the power of people over the tyranny of royal rule.
#juliuscaesar #octavianus #augustus #tarquinius
Despite allegedly founding Rome and being hailed a hero, Romulus’ legacy is complex and his biography is even disturbing at times. #Augustus #GaiusMarius #RomulusandRemus #History
#History #romulusandremus #gaiusmarius #augustus
After being laid low with covid (thankfully my first time) this week, I’m finally feeling a bit more like myself.
I’ve been re-reading the Res Gestae in preparation for some teaching and that text truly gets you in the Augustan headspace. But you might want something lighter for Friday—and fair emough! Frescoes from his home might be a gentler way to assess his rule 😅
Detail of a fresco from Augustus' house with a bird.
📸 Ettore Ferrari/epa/Corbis
#FrescoFriday #AncientRome #Augustus @histodons @antiquidons
#FrescoFriday #ancientrome #augustus