Oh, hey! 😜
They're gonna do Les Misérables (2019 french ver) at Film Night in the Aula Regia!
#Charlemagne #KarlDerGroße #KaiserpfalzIngelheim #AulaRegia #LesMisérables
#Charlemagne #karldergroße #kaiserpfalzingelheim #aularegia #LesMiserables
Season’s Greetings! #JoyeauxNoel #buonNatale #merryxmas #feliznavidad from #DomEduardo via #AulaRegia
#JoyeauxNoel #buonNatale #merryxmas #feliznavidad #domeduardo #aularegia
@calmeilles @Heather_Herbert @rickmans Being a buttinsky.
You mention Charlemagne/Karl der Große. 🤣 My neighborhood is in the ruins of one of his Imperial Palaces. The #AulaRegia is literally "across the street." Our trash cans are stashed "out back" behind an 12th century fortification tower/wall when the Palace and city were extended and fortified.
#KaiserpfalzIngelheim #ImperialPalaceIngelheim #HolyRomanEmpire #Charlemagne #KarlDerGroße
#aularegia #kaiserpfalzingelheim #imperialpalaceingelheim #holyromanempire #Charlemagne #karldergroße
Hablaremos sobre EL CANTO EUGENIANO en #Toledo el próximo verano en el Congreso Europa Peregrina dentro de la Biblioteca Castilla La Mancha, en el Alcázar - otrosí Aula Regia visigoda. ¿Qué mejor lugar?
#EuropaPeregrina #FRH_Europe
#CantoEugeniano #CantoMozarabe
#AulaRegia #BLM #alcázardetoledo
#toledo #europaperegrina #frh_europe #cantoeugeniano #cantomozarabe #aularegia #blm #alcazardetoledo #histodon