The #Auralnauts have a new video in their Infomercial Wars series which, in addition to being utter madness and insanely inventive, also promotes some new merchandise on #vinyl to buy.
I encourage you to watch this. Real infomercials... with some modifications. It's got lots of copper and patriotism and Brett Favre too.
#infomercial #Music #NFL #brettfavre #vinyl #auralnauts
Ach... weiter! Mehr davon!
#80er #80ies #StarWars #Auralnauts #Synthpop
Außerdem haben die einige Filme auf ihrem Kanal, wo sie zeigen, wie das wirklich war, in der Saga. Wirklicher Canon.
#synthpop #auralnauts #starwars #80ies #80er
I can't believe it's been 10 years since Episode 1: Jedi Party came out.
(As the first episode it's still a bit crude and simple, but it quickly became my favorite gag-dub series ever.
#starwars #auralnauts #maytheforce
YouTube stopped recommending their vids to me ages ago for no good reason. Thanks for reminding me.🤗🤗🤗
Do you like #KeanuReeves? Do you like #TheMatrix? Do you like #VanillaIce? Look, even if you said no to that last one you're going to like this.
From the always incredible #Auralnauts it's Ice Ice Matrix and it's fabulous.
#musicvideo #Music #iceicematrix #IceIceBaby #auralnauts #vanillaice #thematrix #keanureeves
The Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Final Final Epic Trailer has dropped, courtesy of #Auralnauts
"Drinking with the Space Irish!"
#startrek #picard #startrekpicard #auralnauts
#Auralnauts' #Willow-themed #Metallica remix is wonderfully weird even by Auranauts standards.
#auralnauts #willow #metallica
The fediverse needs to know about #Auralnauts They have redubbed most of #StarWars into an entirely different canon.
Boost the shit out of these gais!
If you haven’t yet experienced the #Auralnauts epic remaster of #StarWars, I envy you. You get to see #JediParty for the very first time today!
#auralnauts #starwars #jediparty
Well this is awesome:
#retroscifi #auralnauts #andor
@mpirnat The #auralnauts work is sensational. All of it. Even their "not so good stuff" is pretty good.
... their Patreon tiers are flavors of Zima. 🤣
I'm not a huge fan of #StarWars with #StarTrek being my first #SciFi love, and we don't have Disney+ so we've not seen any of the TV spin-offs that they're fond of producing either, but I am a big fan of the work of #Auralnauts on YouTube so here's their imagined 1975 TV intro to #Andor to enjoy if you've not seen it yet.
#andor #auralnauts #SciFi #startrek #StarWars
I like most #auralnauts stuff, but this? This I love. Gloriously retro: #StarWars #Andor
This new Andor show seems pretty cool
Kinda want this #auralnauts teeshirt, but when would I wear it?
blurb text: "Creepio has only one hope, and that is to become draped in the finest flesh available. Drape yourself in his dream."