Spectacular auras and heliophyscist Dr. Nicky Fox named the new Associate Administrator for the SMD? Some may say a coincidence, but I think it is a great sign for the future of NASA! Definitely will be a big year for heliophysics!
NASA new head of science: https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-administrator-selects-new-head-of-science
Heliophysics big year: https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/solar-system/sun/helio-big-year/
Pseudoscience that still permeates 21st century society, in no particular order and in no way complete:
#12step programs
#craniosacral therapy
#homeopathy #reiki #crystals #energywork #acupuncture #dryneedling #astrology #horoscopes #fengshui #12step #aryuveda #chiropractic #functionalmedicine #craniosacral #cupping #detoxification #magnettherapy #naturopathy #reflexology #TraditionalChineseMedicine #conversiontherapy #lawofattraction #auras #ghosts #hauntings #possession #exorcism #cryptozoology #psychics #tarot
Comme on me pose des question et qu’évidemment je ne maitrise pas le sujet, je rajoute le lien vers la chaine de @FitTestMyPlanet pour que vous puissiez voir les modalités de tests des masques #FFP2 #N95 #KN95 #KF94 #3M #Auras /..../
#FFP2 #n95 #KN95 #kf94 #3m #auras #maskup
Hi all, after trying to weather the bird app catastrophe, and deciding my mental health is more important than resisting change - I am new to Mastodon!
I am editing/soon querying my manuscript of an adult speculative fiction novel with a kickass #actuallyautistic #adhd suspected #plural #bisexual female protagonist, who fights neo-nazis.
I’m a traditionally published #author of #NonFiction titles on #mindbodyspirit topics: #tarot, #auras, #palmistry, #numerology and #mantras
#introduction #actuallyautistic #adhd #plural #bisexual #author #NonFiction #mindbodyspirit #tarot #auras #palmistry #numerology #mantras
Seeing into and feeling peoples #auras #energy fields has been something I've been able to do since early #childhood
It's actually a traumatic experience at times.
#People often do not want to know what they are carrying around energetically with themselves.
Many fail to have the sensory #abilities to #comprehend these things are an actual #reality
#vision #awareness #consciousness #spirituality #spirit #chakras #PTSD #attachment #yourself
#auras #energy #childhood #people #abilities #comprehend #reality #vision #awareness #consciousness #spirituality #spirit #chakras #ptsd #attachment #yourself