Star Wars campaign logo design post.
Got rid of the Aurebesh letters. I like it now! Aurek Squad logo: Rebellion logo x Jedi Order x sword silhouette. Actually quite proud of this one.
#ttrpg #AurekSquad #pnpdp #assets #everythingNeedsLogos
#ttrpg #aureksquad #pnpdp #assets #everythingneedslogos
Working on the logo for a new campaign. Calling it #AurekSquad. Challange mode: I want to make everything stats-related for FFG's Star Wars AND #SWD6 #REUP by WEG. So excited for this campaign that's likely never going to be played.
#aureksquad #swd6 #ReUp #ttrpg
This carrier design seems to have a telescopic landing strip - the front part can extend, and for protection, withdraw and close off the hangar. I think. It's a great design and might work well in my Star Wars #AurekSquad campaign. #ttrpg