The “Barracks Emperors” is a term coined by later historians referring to the Roman emperors who were chosen and supported by the army during the period known as the Crisis of the Third Century (also known as the Imperial Crisis, 235-284 CE). #History #Aurelian #BarracksEmperors #BattleofAbritus
#battleofabritus #barracksemperors #aurelian #History
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Römische Münze mit Kaiser Aurelian - Roman coin with Emperor Aurelian
#Münzen #coins #Aurelian #RömischeMünzen #Romancoins #Numismatik #Münzensammeln #MünzenWert #Sammlerwerte #Antonian #Denar
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Cniva (also given as Kniva, c. 250 CE to possibly 270 CE) was the king of the Goths who defeated Emperor Decius (249-251 CE) at the Battle of Abritus in 251 CE. Little is known of him other than his campaign in 251 CE, in which he successfully took Philipopolis, killing over 100,000 Roman citizens and enslaving survivors, lay siege to the city of Nicopolis, and defeated the Romans under Decius,... #Aurelian #BarracksEmperors #BattleofAbritus
#battleofabritus #barracksemperors #aurelian