is a new Mastodon server for the residents and friends of Aurora, Illinois, USA:


If you have any questions, contact their admin at @jims

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#featuredserver #illinois #il #aurora #aurorail #auroraillinois #UnitedStates #usa #us #mastodon #Fediverse

Last updated 2 years ago

AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1696 followers · 889 posts · Server


I wish them well, and I hope to give them a try, but... They chose a spot that has a history of repeated failure for . I saw their sign just the other day, outside a building we locals know has seen several start-up attempts-- and closures soon after.

The largest flagship stores at the strip mall there (WalMart, Bed Bath & Beyond, etc) have moved to other or just closed up, and much of the large indoor across the way is being converted into apartments, so there's not much there left to bring in hungry shoppers. auto traffic in general already has a lot of food options, and that spot is not exactly convenient to drive to.

Hopefully, as the apartments open, they will still be there and have the apartment-dwellers as a returning customer base.

#comingsoon #restaurants #restaurant #stripmalls #mall #route59 #naperville #auroraillinois #illinois #localnews #chicagosuburbs #startups #startup #startupsuccess #urbanplanning

Last updated 2 years ago

AnneTheWriter · @AnneTheWriter1
1642 followers · 756 posts · Server

Large falling in just minutes ago, about the size of large bubblegum balls. Strong winds still rolling through.

Keeping an eye on the today! (Ready to head to the basement, if needed.)

#hail #auroraillinois #weather #tornadoseason #storms #aurora #illinois #weatheralert

Last updated 2 years ago

Jim Schweizer · @jimschweizer
13 followers · 213 posts · Server

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#flyawayirvin #auroraillinois

Last updated 2 years ago