Vale Mary-Louise McLaws.
May her name be a blessing.
I admired Mary-Louise McLaws for her advocacy for public health and skilful science communication — bringing her expertise as a world renowned epidemiologist to everyday Australians during the worst times of the pandemic.
#MaryLouiseMcLaws #RIPMaryLouiseMcLaws #AusCovid #AusCovid19 #FuckCancer
#marylouisemclaws #ripmarylouisemclaws #auscovid #auscovid19 #fuckcancer
So there's a shortage in garbage truck drivers, a shortage in postal drivers, a shortage in couriers... are we seeing a problem here? Did we forget we're still not even half way through a pandemic that's causing mass death and disability? #AusCovid
@DenisCOVIDinfoguy a good review of the current situation. I hope it reached a wide audience. Well done Laura Tingle. #AusCOVID
@DenisCOVIDinfoguy am I reading this right? 8000 deaths predicted in Victoria in the 12 months from October 2022. How can that not be causing alarm or at least some serious changes to our public health response now!#AusCOVID #auscovid19
@juls you could search #AusCOVID #auscovid19
Mike Honey posts excellent stats for Australia.
Australian public health experts are calling for working from home mandates and other measures to combat the new wave of COVID-19, warning against complacency in the face of a growing burden of long COVID across the community.
#COVID19 #CovidIsNotOver #auscovid