Alameda Food Bank's new Executive Director, Teale Harden, writes that she is ready to guide AFB into its next era and get to the bottom of hunger.
#alameda #AlamedaFoodBank #ausd #IslandCommunityMarket #TealeHarden
#alameda #alamedafoodbank #ausd #islandcommunitymarket #tealeharden
College of Alameda's Acting President, Dr. Diana Bajrami, invites the community to explore free class offerings and resources including dual enrollment, employment development services, support services, internships, and more.
#alameda #AlamedaCountyWorkforceDevelopmentBoard #AlamedaScienceAndTechnologyInstitute #ausd #CollegeOfAlameda #CommunityCollege #DrDianaBajrami #FreeClasses #internships #LearningAlignedEmploymentProgram #ousd
#alameda #alamedacountyworkforcedevelopmentboard #alamedascienceandtechnologyinstitute #ausd #collegeofalameda #communitycollege #drdianabajrami #freeclasses #internships #learningalignedemploymentprogram #ousd
Bay Farm School kicks off the 2023/2024 school year with brand new learning spaces—both indoor and outdoor. Superintendent Pasquale Scuderi says about the project, “Light-filled classrooms, outdoor learning spaces, and up-to-date educational technology are key to keeping students engaged, focused, and thriving.”
#alameda #ausd #BayFarm #BayFarmSchool #LathropConstruction #MeasureIFacilitiesBond #QuattrocchiKwokArchitects
#alameda #ausd #bayfarm #bayfarmschool #lathropconstruction #measureifacilitiesbond #quattrocchikwokarchitects
The state’s First District Court of Appeal ruled that Measure A—a parcel tax approved by Alameda voters in March 2020 to fund hiring and retention of high-quality Alameda Unified School District employees—is legal and valid.
#alameda #ausd #FirstDistrictCourtOfAppeal #MeasureA #ParcelTax #PropertyTax #TeacherSalaries
#alameda #ausd #firstdistrictcourtofappeal #measurea #parceltax #propertytax #teachersalaries
Gene Kahane honors Don Sherratt (1939-2023), a popular leader of the community, who held many roles at AUSD and the Boys & Girls Club and was a lifelong Alamedan.
#alameda #AlamedaBoysAndGirlsClub #ausd #DonSherratt #memorial #poetry
#alameda #alamedaboysandgirlsclub #ausd #donsherratt #memorial #poetry
For the second straight year, both Alameda public high schools won regional awards at the California Yearbook Academy. Way to go, students!
#ausd #alameda #yearbook #EncinalHighSchool #CaliforniaYearbookAcademy #CaliforniaStateUniversityEastBay
#ausd #alameda #yearbook #encinalhighschool #californiayearbookacademy #californiastateuniversityeastbay
AUSD's Summer Meals program offers free, nutritious breakfasts and lunches to all kids and teens June 20 through August 4 at five Alameda locations.
#ausd #alameda #dominos #AcademyOfAlameda #SummerMealsProgram #AlamedaBoysAndGirlsClub #ShinseiGardenApartments #AlamedaPointCollaborative #RubyBridgesElementarySchool
#ausd #alameda #dominos #academyofalameda #summermealsprogram #alamedaboysandgirlsclub #shinseigardenapartments #alamedapointcollaborative #rubybridgeselementaryschool
The freshman of 2020 have reached their well-earned graduation! Congratulations to all the hardworking and determined AUSD students. Our hats are off to you!
#ausd #covid #graduation #PasqualeScuderi #IslandHighSchool #AlamedaHighSchool #EncinalHighSchool #AlamedaScienceAndTechnologyInstitute
#ausd #covid #graduation #pasqualescuderi #islandhighschool #alamedahighschool #encinalhighschool #alamedascienceandtechnologyinstitute
The Planning Board approved the West Midway Development Plan, which includes 478 housing units to help Alameda meet requirements for affordable housing. Karin K. Jensen reports that the project will include 40 units for moderate income households at Alameda Point.
#ausd #reshap #alameda #housing #AlamedaPoint #PlanningBoard #HousingElement #AffordableHousing #WestMidwayProject #WestMidwayDevelopmentPlan
#ausd #reshap #alameda #housing #alamedapoint #planningboard #housingelement #affordablehousing #westmidwayproject #westmidwaydevelopmentplan
Alameda Unified School District names Jessica Kerber 2023 Teacher of the Year. Kerber, an English teacher at Encinal Jr. & Sr. High School since 2005, was recognized for her high professional standards, ability to engage and connect with students, and her leadership and collaboration skills.
#ausd #alameda #teaching #JessicaKerber #TeacherOfTheYear #AlamedaUnifiedSchoolDistrict
#ausd #alameda #teaching #jessicakerber #teacheroftheyear #alamedaunifiedschooldistrict
Despite community backlash, the Board of Education has voted to eliminate sixth through eighth grades at Bay Farm School over the next two years. Karin K. Jensen reports back with the conclusion to the five-week-long process of protests, meetings, and discussions.
#AUSD #Alameda #BayFarm #Funding #AUSDBoard #ClassSize #BayFarmSchool #PasqualeScuderi #BayFarmMiddleSchool
#ausd #alameda #bayfarm #funding #ausdboard #classsize #bayfarmschool #pasqualescuderi #bayfarmmiddleschool
The Alameda Unified School District (AUSD) voted Tuesday night, February 14, 2023, to get rid of sixth through eighth grades at Bay Farm School through a multi-year phase-out, starting this coming August.
#ausd #alameda #phaseout #bayfarmmiddleschool
At a third meeting following the proposal to close Bay Farm Middle School, community members continued fighting to keep the school open. Karin K. Jensen reports on the most common parental objections and AUSD Superintendent Scuderi's response.
#AUSD #Alameda #BayFarm #PasqualeScuderi #BayFarmMiddleSchool
#ausd #alameda #bayfarm #pasqualescuderi #bayfarmmiddleschool
10 year old student Jeremy Wu highlights the accolades and strengths of Bay Farm Middle School and expresses why it should be kept open.
#AUSD #Alameda #BayFarm #SmallSchool #GreenRibbonSchool #BayFarmMiddleSchool #CaliforniaDistinguishedSchool
#ausd #alameda #bayfarm #smallschool #greenribbonschool #bayfarmmiddleschool #californiadistinguishedschool
In a Letter to the Editor, Caitlin Kenney questions the school board's secretive decision to "phase out" Bay Farm Middle School. She wonders if they and the AUSD have done everything in their power to save the vitally important school?
#AUSD #Alameda #BayFarm #PasqualeScuderi #BayFarmMiddleSchool
#ausd #alameda #bayfarm #pasqualescuderi #bayfarmmiddleschool
Karin K. Jensen reports families and students were shocked and dismayed, and many felt blindsided by the lack of communication, when it was revealed that Bay Farm Middle School may soon be closed. AUSD is holding another Zoom meeting at 5:30 p.m. today for more community input.
#AUSD #Alameda #BayFarm #Closure #AUSDboard #PasqualeScuderi #BayFarmMiddleSchool #AlamedaUnifiedSchoolDistrict
#ausd #alameda #bayfarm #closure #ausdboard #pasqualescuderi #bayfarmmiddleschool #alamedaunifiedschooldistrict