OK #AusHist #histodons (and #Literature folks?): I’ve never been able to track down scans of William Lane’s notorious 1888 “Whtie or Yellow? A Story of the Race-war of A.D. 1908.” It was serialized in The Boomerang (Brisbane), but that’s not in Trove and while UQ library has the complete run they haven’t digitized it.
Any ideas?
#aushist #histodons #literature
So, Australian historians, have we worked out how to cite items from the AJCP held by Trove yet?
For example: https://nla.gov.au/nla.obj-766034633
#histodons #AustralianHistory #AcademicChat #Citations #OzHist #AusHist
#histodons #Australianhistory #academicchat #citations #ozhist #aushist