Kevin Russell · @kevinrns
2206 followers · 19771 posts · Server


I urge ways to STOP the coal mine, first by direct ask. Tnen by demonstration. To use the money and fa4 more for renewables.

Defeat Labour if necessary, if it takes a global genetal strike it doesnt matter who is in office in Australia.


Last updated 1 year ago


>why won't stop the stage 3 tax cuts. Like WHY?

I suspect it's their now baked-in political timidity, forged in the furnace of the immoral yet effective media campaigns against the mining tax, anti-gambling [ergo Gillard shafted Wilkie], & more recently, the desperately needed removal of CGT & NG ripoffs that have destroyed housing for peeps. Ipso facto, even before considering internal malfeasance possibilities, they're simply scared shitless by .

#auslabour #rwnjs

Last updated 2 years ago

Godfrey642 · @Godfrey642
233 followers · 1971 posts · Server

Really really really don't understand why won't stop the stage 3 tax cuts. Like WHY?
I really don't understand WHY allowing to hike interest rates 10 times (putting over $1000 pm on standard mortgages) is deemed "an acceptable strategy". Sure there's a lag btwn a hike and the desired result but shouldn't we see a downturn in inflation by now if it was working?

Or is it more likely that the strategy isn't really working?

That ppl paying mortgages aren't the ones that should be targeted?

That maybe the wealthy with a string of investment properties and $30000000+ in super and share portfolios should be targeted.

That maybe global corps in , , , , , who don't pay their taxes here but reap profits here... maybe THEY all should pay their share?

Dunno about you out there, but my family and friends are all sick of this. I'm sick of being ripped off. We hoped Aus Labour would be better than LibNat coalition but i still feel we're being played for fools.
Again. Still.

#auslabour #RBA #mining #tech #construction #google #fb #amazon #auspol2023 #auspol

Last updated 2 years ago

Godfrey642 · @Godfrey642
233 followers · 1965 posts · Server

Really really really don't understand why won't stop the stage 3 tax cuts. Like WHY?
I really don't understand WHY allowing to hike interest rates 10 times (putting over $1000 pm on standard mortgages) is deemed "an acceptable strategy". Sure there's a lag btwn a hike and the desired result but shouldn't we see a downturn in inflation by now if it was working?

Or is it more likely that the strategy isn't really working?

That ppl paying mortgages aren't the ones that should be targeted?

That maybe the wealthy with a string of investment properties and $30000000+ in super and share portfolios should be targeted.

That maybe global corps in , , , , , who don't pay their taxes here but reap profits here... maybe THEY all should pay their share?

Dunno about you out there, but my family and friends are all sick of this. I'm sick of being ripped off. We hoped Aus Labour would be better than LibNat coalition but i still feel we're being played for fools.
Again. Still.

#auslabour #nba #mining #tech #construction #google #fb #amazon #auspol2023 #auspol

Last updated 2 years ago

Godfrey642 · @Godfrey642
228 followers · 1767 posts · Server

@kerriesmith I don't disagree up to a point (i taught in public system for 38yrs) but the cards are so stacked against kids like ours.

Money doesn't "make" a school good but it sure helps with resources, incl staffing: educ support staff for the kids that need them, specialist teachers for the smaller Subject areas (literature, languages, law, drama that are too expensive to run for Yrs11/12), music equipment that works, computers that are sufficient in number for all students, sports equipment, money available to pay for struggling families to take kids on excursions and camps... i could go on endlessly.

Public schools would do SO much for all areas of curriculum with the govt money that is siphoned off for private schools. Those schools that already get payment from parents. The wealthy effectively pay fees but then get public (their) money back again in the form of tax payers money. Is řeally immoral and represents $$ millions every year.

#aeu #ausedu #australianschoolsandu18s #Nationalcurriculum #auslabour

Last updated 2 years ago

Godfrey642 · @Godfrey642
227 followers · 1757 posts · Server

Deeply concerned that 40% of students in Australia are in private schools. They get the lions share of govt money. Tax payers money. MY MONEY and it's simply wrong.

AUS is slipping further back in the PISA global educational ranking against countries like Finnland Germany Sweden, where there is huge investment in govt schools and private schools are generally frowned upon.

Only when the vast and committed majority of parents have children enrolled in govt schools, will standards improve.

That Aus schools receive govt funding at all is a monstrous malpractice and should stop if we want standards in education hete to improve.

#ausedu #aeu #Nationalcurriculum #auslabour

Last updated 2 years ago