In the #Philippines, outside of the capital region #MetroManila, schools that offer #SpecialEducation programs are mostly found in major town centers, or the provincial capital
The first photo in this toot, show some of the schools in the NCR that the #AusomeMaps project [1] are currently working on updating, and data is available from #OpenStreetMap [0]
Outside the capital region, they're few and far between.
#philippines #metromanila #specialeducation #ausomemaps #OpenStreetMap
Stumbled on an interesting #OpenStreetMap #MapRoulette project in the #Philippines, which appears to be building on what the community has started with #OSMaPaaralan
The mapping initiative, which calls itself #AusomeMaps, is keen on improving/identifying schools in #MetroManila that offers #SpecialEducation programs for students with #SpecialNeeds, specifically #autism
#OpenStreetMap #maproulette #philippines #osmapaaralan #ausomemaps #metromanila #specialeducation #specialneeds #autism