Imagine having to be the person who maintains
Just sighing endlessly
“Those who have expressed doubt about the cultural authority of the Yes campaign and the emancipatory claims being made, have all been accused of being on the same ledger of the ‘real racists’, ironically by those aligned with mining companies.
There is a very real demonisation of Blackfullas who dare answer the question of yes with a no, as though it is we that are betraying our people – as if we are the ones blowing up sacred sites”
#AusPol #VoteYes #AusReferendum
#auspol #voteyes #ausreferendum
‘One would naively think the “unifying moment” presented through the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the upcoming referendum would amount to a moment of ceasefire, that this government would maybe, just for a moment, take the boot off our necks and swing that illusory moral arc towards the dignity and justice that we have long been denied’
#AusPol #VoteYes #AusReferendum
#auspol #voteyes #ausreferendum
‘The pursuit of land rights is not materialism, it is responsibility in practice–our stories, our connection and cultural responsibility requires us to protect Country. We want the right to do this’
#voteyes #auspol #ausreferendum #voicetoparliament
‘Prof Foley said the voice would make “no difference” to the lives of First Nations people and not be taken seriously by federal governments’
#voteyes #auspol #ausreferendum
‘I was told by my Elders and the Board here to talk to the radio to get the message out there to take the name off the Uluru Statement From The Heart’
#auspol #voteyes #ausreferendum
Some important Australian hashtags:
#VoiceToParliament and #AusReferendum Especially if you are not an Indigenous Australian, please use these hashtags (ideally with a cover warning) when discussing the Voice To Parliament referendum.
#AusLit Australian literature
#AusBiz Australian business
#AFL Discussion of Aussie Rules football
#NRL Discussion of rugby league
#AusPol Australian politics
#NSWPol State politics in New South Wales
#VicPol Victorian state politics
#QldPol Queensland state politics
#TasPol Tasmanian state politics
#SAPol South Australian state politics
#WAPol West Australian state politics
#NTPol Northern Territory politics
#ACTPol ACT politics
Elsewhere on the Fediverse, there's an Australian discussion group on Lemmy here:
And for AFL football here:
You can follow both from Mastodon by following @afl and @australia .
Any posts where you tag @australia or @afl in the first post of the thread will automatically be added to those discussion groups.
#voicetoparliament #ausreferendum #auslit #ausbiz #afl #nrl #auspol #nswpol #vicpol #qldpol #taspol #sapol #wapol #ntpol #actpol
"Thorpe signalled she will continue to argue against constitutional recognition and the Voice “advisory body with no power”, warning that there are “progressive nos” who oppose it “for good reason” …
"Asked if she planned to start a new political party or what structure her movement would take, Thorpe replied that “it’ll look like what the Blak Sovereign movement tell me that it looks like”.
"“There’s definitely quite a big movement of people … experts like [lawyer] Irene Watson from South Australia … academic Chelsea Watego, [writer] Ronnie Gorrie, Ted Wilkes, Nyungar from WA … it’s right across this country."
#LidiaThorpe #BlakSovereignty
#VoiceToParliament #IndigenousVoice #UluruStatementFromTheHeart
#AusReferendum #AusPol
#LidiaThorpe #blaksovereignty #VoiceToParliament #indigenousvoice #ulurustatementfromtheheart #ausreferendum #auspol
Labor senator and Aboriginal elder Patrick Dodson, in a speech yesterday (4 February 2023), said:
"There are some out there who are pressing for more detail. They will never get enough ... Our political process is in the parliament, and that’s where the detail is always settled and proposed. So don’t get distracted by the call for more detail …
"I hope that Australians will respond generously to this very simple request as the first step in us fixing things."
He stressed that reconciliation would go further, towards treaty and truth telling.
#PatDodson #PatrickDodson
#VoiceToParliament #IndigenousVoice #UluruStatementFromTheHeart
#AusReferendum #AusPol
#patdodson #patrickdodson #VoiceToParliament #indigenousvoice #ulurustatementfromtheheart #ausreferendum #auspol
"The nation’s peak body representing culturally diverse communities has criticised the voice to parliament no campaign’s push for constitutional recognition of migrants as “offensive” and “divisive”, saying they never asked for or discussed such a possibility …
"Carlo Carli, the chair of Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia (Fecca), the peak body representing people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, said constitutional recognition for migrants was an interesting concept but a “red herring” in this context, and he would oppose “pitting ethnic communities against our First Nations people”.
"Carli said Fecca supported the voice and the Uluru statement, and called Mundine’s proposal “surprising”."
#VoiceToParliament #AusReferendum #AusPol
#VoiceToParliament #ausreferendum #auspol #ulurustatementfromtheheart
Everyone in Australia who is not Indigenous is a migrant or descended from a migrant. The No campaign proposal to recognise migrants as well as Indigenous people in the constitution is both-siding, and the most blatant distraction yet.
#VoiceToParliament #ausreferendum #auspol
The following article from The Guardian is essential reading for those wanting to understand some of the controversy surrounding The Voice. It would seem the voice to parliament is doomed before the Yes/No campaigns have got off the ground
#VoicetoParliament #UluruStatement #Auspol #AusReferendum #AustraliaDay #TheGuardian
#voicetoparliament #ulurustatement #auspol #ausreferendum #australiaday #theguardian
@danilic @vian1138 Took the time to read the executive summary of the Langton & Calma report yesterday and it places The Voice into context quite well. Would be great if a simple pamphlet based on the report were prepared to have a bite sized contextual read for the average Aussie
Indigenous Voice Co-design Process
Final Report to the Australian Government July 2021 (AKA Langton & Calma Report) (PDF)
#VoicetoParliament #UluruStatement #Auspol #AusReferendum #AustraliaDay
#voicetoparliament #ulurustatement #auspol #ausreferendum #australiaday
@MrLee hi. Adding #Auspol is suitable for a wide range of discussions and issues; including this particular issue.
If people consistently use popular hashtags, it allows others to mute or follow conversations. We suggest the following: #VoicetoParliament #UluruStatement #AusReferendum #AusConstitutionalChange
That said, adding Content Warnings to these types of posts is the more respectful, community-focused approach.
#auspol #voicetoparliament #ulurustatement #ausreferendum #ausconstitutionalchange
"Among the ordinary Indigenous people who shared their views with us, most said they would vote yes, some with enthusiasm and others with more cautious optimism. Some said no, citing suspicion, or doubts about how constitutional change would affect Aboriginal sovereignty. Many were undecided. And nearly everyone had questions …
"Kishaya Delaney, 26, a Wiradjuri woman from Orange in the NSW Central West who lives in Sydney, says …“Obviously, there’s a diversity of opinions among First Nations people – we’re not a monolith and everyone has their own opinion.”"
#VoiceToParliament #IndigenousVoice #UluruStatementFromTheHeart
#AusReferendum #AusPol
#VoiceToParliament #indigenousvoice #ulurustatementfromtheheart #ausreferendum #auspol
We acknowledge the importance of engaging in discussions on the proposed Australian referendum for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. Aus.Social has been asked by a few Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people on Mastodon to encourage the use of Hashtags/Content Warnings (CW) around this issue. In line with Aus.Social rules on political posts in general, we’re extending this to include the use of CW and/or hashtags when discussing the #VoiceToParliament; and to label posts and shared articles clearly and respectfully.
You can support First Nations people on this platform by being mindful of what you post, and not burdening them with an increase in non-Indigenous’ opinions - regardless of your intent.
CWs allow people to opt out, and hashtags can be added to filters. We suggest these hashtags: #VoiceToParliament #UluruStatement #AusReferendum #auspol #AusConstitutionalChange
If you’re non-Indigenous, consider not using the Indigenous or First Nations hashtags, as these were created by and for Indigenous peoples to connect.
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders are not expected to use CWs, unless they choose to, as they’re speaking of their lived experiences and futures.
Please don't argue with anyone not using CWs or hashtags; report and leave moderation to the mods.
Posts or replies perceived as anti-Indigenous, racist or targeted harassment will be deleted, and accounts may be suspended.
#voicetoparliament #ulurustatement #ausreferendum #auspol #ausconstitutionalchange
We acknowledge the importance of engaging in discussions on the proposed Australian referendum for an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. Aus.Social has been asked by a few Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people on Mastodon to encourage the use of Hashtags/Content Warnings (CW) around this issue. In line with Aus.Social rules on political posts in general, we’re extending this to include the use of CW and/or hashtags when discussing the #VoiceToParliament; and to label posts and shared articles clearly and respectfully.
You can support First Nations people on this platform by being mindful of what you post, and not burdening them with an increase in non-Indigenous’ opinions - regardless of your intent.
CWs allow people to opt out, and hashtags can be added to filters. We suggest these CamelCase hashtags: #VoiceToParliament #UluruStatement #AusReferendum #auspol #AusConstitutionalChange
If you’re non-Indigenous, consider not using the Indigenous or First Nations hashtags, as these were created for Indigenous peoples to connect.
Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders are not expected to use CWs, unless they choose to, as they’re speaking of their lived experiences and futures.
Please don't argue with anyone not using CWs or hashtags; report and leave moderation to the mods.
Posts or replies perceived as anti-Indigenous, racist or targeted harassment will be deleted, and accounts may be suspended
#voicetoparliament #ulurustatement #ausreferendum #auspol #ausconstitutionalchange