Godfrey642 · @Godfrey642
233 followers · 1906 posts · Server aus.social

@radicalxstitch I'm so sorry kids are having to deal with "Your child's VCE depends on staff available to run courses. FAR FAR MORE than covid, this affects the subject choices they are making & ultimately the career pathways they will/won't be able to choose.

**The govt needs to get onto this as a matter of urgency.**

You can tell by birth rate how many kids you will have entering secondary schools 12 yrs later. They know what the school capacity will be in 12 yrs time & how many staff will be needed.

They also know that ppl like me in mid-60s will be retiring & need replacing.

What they *aren't* doing is providing the money for resources and salaries to make young Grad Teachers stay in the profession.

Way too many are staying 5yrs and then leaving.
They cite: long working hours, large classes, no time for planning, assessing and reviewing, not enough mentoring or time to be supported by more experienced colleague/s, all the above = Burn Out. So they leave for better paid jobs in diff career areas.

Plus, Yr12 students aren't studying English Maths Langs Sciences and choosing to be a teacher with those degrees. There aren't students training into B.Ed in those subjects.

The Govt needs to realise this is a ticking time bomb & they need to fund schools in the govt system massively more.
For a struggling school and newly qualified teachers it DEFINITELY comes down to $$$$. Too much is going to private schools.

#aeu #auspol #teachers #privateschools #austeacher

Last updated 2 years ago

Kylie Adams · @KylieAdams
6 followers · 6 posts · Server mastodon.au

Hoping I can reconnect with my Twitter Education community using the following hashtags as a beacon to find each other @AnnCaro @Janecaro @grant_shepherd @McNamaraMP @aliceleung @belnorrie

#nswedu #nswspc #nswsdpa #austeacher #twitterteacher #nswtf

Last updated 2 years ago