and so the Atlantic Slavery economy first surfaced at the heart of Austen’s first and only suburban novel, to return when Augusta Hawkins Elton uneasily declares that her brother-in-law Me Suckling was “rather a friend to the abolition.” A world of dramatic irony rests in that “rather.” That’s where the body count is. #litstudies #Austen
From: @pureausten
“Why do you like Miss #Austen so very much? I am puzzled on that point…I had not seen ‘Pride & Prejudice’ till I read that sentence of yours, and then I got the book and studied it. And what did I find? An accurate daguerrotyped portrait of a common-place face… I should hardly like to live with her ladies and gentlemen, in their elegant but confined houses.” (Charlotte Brontë, letter to her friend, 1848, Because already in 1848 daguerrotype was used as a sign of wrong.
Sign ups for our Baa Baa Brighouse Book Club Bundle – Sense and Sensibility are now open!
For our fifth installment, we move on to the great Jane Austen and ‘Sense And Sensibility’.
You will receive 200g (two skeins) of deliciously hand dyed, sumptuously soft, 100% British Bluefaced Leicester 4 ply high twist sock yarn inspired by the book cover, a copy of the collectible hardback Clothbound Classic and a tin or packet of Austen inspired tea.
Pride & Prejudice, but everything is explained by John Mulaney:
So thrilled to see this collection on Teaching the Eighteenth Century Now out and available from Bucknell, including my chapter on #Austen and #healthcare and inequalities #c18Studies
#austen #healthcare #C18Studies
My favourite kind of courier delivery - a new book. Confession: I bought this copy of Emma for no other reason than the edition is really, really pretty, and it's even prettier than it looked in the picture. Having looked at their website, I'm going to have to try REALLY HARD not to buy a matching notebook. Stay tuned ...
If you're interested, it's published by these guys
#Bookstodon #Reading #Austen #ReadMoreWomen #BookPorn #Pretty
#pretty #bookporn #readmorewomen #austen #reading #bookstodon
This week I’ll mainly be grading but I’m giving a seminar on disability and madness in #Edgeworth and then turning my attention to Clare Walker Gore’s amazing Plotting Disability in the Nineteenth-Century Novel for my chapter on #Austen
At my « tender » age ... I thought it was time to approach Jane #Austen. Finally. By book and by movie. Here we go. Wish me luck. 😉 #PrideandPrejudice
You are cordially invited to the final part of the Good Society one-shot (published by Storybrewers) I ran for Kristian Mitchell-Dolby's YouTube channel!
You can get your own copy of Good Society and find out more on the Storybrewers Roleplaying website!
Is the passive voice more prevalent in #Persuasion than in other #Austen novels?
In un’epoca social come la nostra, mai ci si sarebbe aspettati di vedere dei giovani appassionarsi alla lettura di libri che ormai vengono considerati dei classici della letteratura. Orgoglio e Pregiudizio, di Jane Austen, è uno dei romanzi riproposti con una nuova edizione da collezione – tra l’alt...
#02Marzo #Recensionilibri #Austen #letteraturastraniera
#letteraturastraniera #austen #recensionilibri #02Marzo
Turning my attention this week to chapter 5 on disability, care, and healing the nation in #Austen's Persuasion
#BBC #Words #Music #Radio #Audio #Poem #Poetry #Verse #Lyrics #Anthology #Clothes #Clothing #Schmutter #Fashion #Fabric #Austen #Dickens #Shakespeare #Strauss #Bach #Prokofiev
#bbc #words #music #radio #audio #poem #poetry #verse #lyrics #anthology #clothes #clothing #schmutter #fashion #fabric #austen #dickens #shakespeare #strauss #bach #prokofiev
I've signed up for a free, online Regency Cookery class starting on February 27th, held by Paul Couchman.
I'm delighted to be learning (more) Georgian and Regency cookery techniques and look forward to better-exercising my inner Preserved Killick and (Mrs) Hill.
There are still spaces available if this is your basin of burgoo, and you'd like to join, too!
#Regency #Cookery #OnlineClass #Austen #AubreyMaturin #SpecialInterest
#Regency #Cookery #onlineclass #austen #aubreymaturin #SpecialInterest
too much fun with chatGPT. Pride & Prejudice / Muppets Miss Piggy mashup? Here's the final paragraph. ;)
Lady Catherine de Bourgh:
"Well, I suppose it's entertaining for those with more...basic tastes. But truly, my dear, one would think Mr. Darcy could find more suitable entertainment for his guests than a pig warbling on about her 'glamour and style.'"
The #BBC’s In Our Time on #Austen’s Persuasion
#Austen query: best unabridged audiobook of Northanger Abbey? Preference for low/no cost (it’s for students) but willing to rec something well-done with a price tag.
Need something new for 2023?
CFP: Jane Austen and the Making of Regency Whiteness. Please submit your abstracts to and me!
kerry.sinanan@utsa.ed and
#18thcStudies #Austen
For submission with