Excellent thread by Steve Grumbine on the Bird #MMT #AusterityIsMurder
The National Debt is merely: wait for it...
The sum total, to the penny, of every untaxed dollar in existence since the start of the nation.
To pay off the debt is to DELETE, Destroy EVERY dollar in the economy.
What kind of knuckle head would push that?
If you really want to know how money works, Macro ‘n Cheese is a great place to start. Steve here interviews the amazing Prof Bill Mitchell.
Find out why the politics of austerity is founded on a fiction:
#mmt #austerityistheft #austerityismurder
As the #holidays approach, think abt this...We put so much "good mojo" on #charitable support for struggling ppl when irl the currency-issuing govt could eradicate the struggle if they chose to. Really sours my view of how strongly we as a society encourage raising money from many who don't really have it to give or sucking up to the rich. 😒 #AusterityIsMurder #PovertyIsAPoliticalChoice #MMT
#holidays #charitable #austerityismurder #povertyisapoliticalchoice #mmt