Guadalupe Street aka "The Drag" in front of the University of Texas in Austin, 1927. Back when streetcars were still cool. It's probably impractical, but I wouldn't mind seeing them return.
Courtesy the Austin History Center via the Portal to Texas History. Many more glorious photos of Austin here:
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#austin #austinhistory #austintexas #texas #texashistory #universityoftexas
In 1904, 118 years ago this month, the first paving of Austin’s Congress Avenue began.
From The Austin Statesman, Tuesday, November 29, 1904, p. 5, c. 3: “Eighty thousand brick have been ordered by Brown & Dabney from the Thurber Brick Company…Present indications point to the laying of the first brick within a week or 10 days at the outside.”
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