April Fool's day has arrived, the perfect setting for #StupidAccordionTricks. Here's a funny song from the last century, the #AustinLoungeLizards' #LeonardCohensDayJob, via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_melFZ8I6_Y
#leonardcohensdayjob #austinloungelizards #StupidAccordionTricks
If any place can find a way to fuse these together, it is #ChapelHill!!
I'm not big on labels and will have to look up a couple of them. I'm more in the unlabeled fusion zone that includes #OldTime #Irish #PeteSeeger #NellieMcKay #MoseAllison #CliffEdwards #TheCatsAndTheFiddle #TomWaits #SteveGoodman
#CarolinaChocolateDrops #AustinLoungeLizards
#ChapelHill #punk #crust #metal #blues #oldtime #SpaceRock #hardcore #irish #peteseeger #nelliemckay #moseallison #cliffedwards #thecatsandthefiddle #tomwaits #stevegoodman #carolinachocolatedrops #austinloungelizards
@blueyodeler Pleased to meet you! In Austin only once for a 1994 academic conference, but longtime #AustinLoungeLizards & #HotClubOfCowtown fan.
Along sw Va.'s https://thecrookedroadva.com I play #oldtime #guitar, #banjo, #mandolin & am new to the #fiddle. (I like coincidences.) :-)
Secret identity: A retired web-savvy journalism professor, poking at yet another social media. Sadly underwhelmed with mstdn's music scene, compared to, pardon the expression, Facebook. But will keep looking!
#austinloungelizards #oldtime #guitar #banjo #mandolin #fiddle #hotclubofcowtown