People keep saying "find an instance that matches your #community" - for me, and I'm guessing a lot of people, there is no single community we identify with.
Do I look for one for #rustlang / #clojure / #polyglot / #dataviz developers?
Or for old-school #agile enthusiasts?
Or for #PrincipalEngineer s?
Or for #OlderParents?
Or for #ClimateActivists? (if only I had the time)
Or for #LgbtAllies?
Or for #AusToUkImmigrants? (I hate the term "expat"!)
It's not that simple. I have @ksietsma for work community, but I can't "choose an instance" for each of the above! And I'm not sure I need to - #federated conversations seem to work fine. I just don't use the "local time line" much at all.
#community #rustlang #clojure #polyglot #dataviz #agile #principalengineer #olderparents #climateactivists #lgbtallies #austoukimmigrants #federated