A lovely video by Literally Jasmine discussing her Autumn TBR.

I’d have to say, the book: On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous sounds the most intriguing.


#autumn #australianbooktube #booktube #bookrecommendations

Last updated 2 years ago

I’m already breaking my NYE resolutions NOT to do any reading challenges. Yet, here is my choice: Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. Videos on YT channel Fiction Is Vice πŸ˜…πŸ₯°πŸ˜˜

It took me a long time and most of the world to learn what I know about love and fate and the choices we make, but the heart of it came to me in an instant, while I was chained to a wall and being tortured.

#australianbooktube #marchofthemammoths

Last updated 2 years ago

have done all I can writing ✍️ up my notes for my channel, Fiction is Vice.

Writing the show notes for 12 Steps for Living a Better Life, by Bill Crews.

I’ve found that I just can’t communicate without writing down my thoughts. You can see which of my past posts have been spontaneous and which have been planned. Hosting a channel is increasing my confidence articulating what I do and don’t like about certain books.

Do you host your own channel? If I haven’t subscribed to you yet then let me know. I follow of all genres and nationalities πŸ₯°

#wednesdaywip #australianbooktube #booktube #booktubers

Last updated 2 years ago

for my channel Fiction Is Vice.

LOVING COUNTRY by Bruce Pascoe and Vicky Shukuroglou.

… is a powerful and essential guidebook that offers a new way to travel and discover Australia through an Indigenous narrative. In this beautifully designed and photographed edition, co-authors Bruce Pascoe and Vicky Shukuroglou show travellers how to see the country as herself, to know her whole and old story, and to find the way to fall in love with her, our home.

Featuring 18 places in detail, from the ingenious fish traps at Brewarrina and the rivers that feed the Great Barrier Reef, to the love stories of Wiluna and the whale story of Margaret River, there is so much to celebrate. This immersive book covers history, Dreaming stories, traditional cultural practices, Indigenous tours and the importance of recognition and protection of place. It offers keys to unlock the heart of this loving country for those who want to enrich their understanding of our continent, and for travellers looking for more than a whistle-stop tour of Australia. In Loving Country, Bruce and Vicky hope that all communities will be heard when they tell their stories, and that these stories and the country from which they have grown will be honoured. This guide has been created in consultation with communities, and readers are encouraged to discover sacred Australia by reconsidering the accepted history, and hearing diverse stories of her Indigenous peoples.

#amreading #australianbooktube #booktube

Last updated 2 years ago

PolynesianReader has released a video: All the Books I Read in 2022

A reader of great variety and taste. I’m a fan and want to share the love ❀️


#booktube #booktuber #australianbooktube #bookrecommendations

Last updated 2 years ago