Going to check out the Hillbilly Hoot on ThreeD Radio in Adelaide in a few. http://sounds.threedradio.com:8000/stream.m3u #FolkMusic #AustralianFolkMusic #OpenMic
#folkmusic #australianfolkmusic #openmic
Going to listen to Hillbilly Hoot in about 20 minutes. http://sounds.threedradio.com:8000/stream.m3u #AustralianFolkmusic
Well, can't seem to get the threeD Radio stream. Darn it all. It's for an open-mic show from adelaide. https://www.threedradio.com/listen-now/ #AustralianFolkMusic #FolkMusic
#australianfolkmusic #folkmusic
A request followed by a hashtag bomb. Can anyone recommend live folk music radio shows (world, Celtic, old-timey, Canadian, etc.)? I know about some prerecorded ones and about Folk Alley. The live ones I know about are Come by The Hills on Mushroom FM and Back Porch Music on WUNC. Any others? #Folkmusic #OldTimeyMusic #CelticMusic #Americana #Canadiana #BritishFolkMusic #AustralianFolkMusic #WorldFolkmusic #Acousticmusic #TradFolkMusic
#folkmusic #oldtimeymusic #celticmusic #americana #canadiana #britishfolkmusic #australianfolkmusic #worldfolkmusic #acousticmusic #tradfolkmusic