Men born in Australia that are known to have been present at the Battle of Jutland are being added to the list referenced below when found. It is hoped that this will prove to be a useful resource for those with an interest in genealogy generally or who are specifically researching their Australian family trees.
#familyhistory #greatwar #genealogy #royalnavy #ww1 #battleofjutland #AustralianHistory
#familyhistory #greatwar #genealogy #royalnavy #ww1 #battleofjutland #australianhistory
Our latest podcast is getting great feedback (from my family!)
My dad, Peter Tangey, joined us to hear about Chorkles' testimony to the Victorian Royal Commission into Communism.
We also discuss some family drama when Dad tells the story of some ALP-DLP split induced biffo at his house.
#NotAllBoomers #DLP #ALPSplit #TheSplit #ALPHistory #AustralianLaborParty #HistoryPodcast #Communism #UniversityofMelbourne #AustralianHistory #Trove #NLA #DemocraticLaborParty
#notallboomers #dlp #alpsplit #thesplit #alphistory #australianlaborparty #historypodcast #communism #universityofmelbourne #australianhistory #trove #NLA #democraticlaborparty
Went down a #FamilyHistory rabbit hole today (oh dear, it’s so terribly easy to get sidetracked!) and looked at more information trying to date this photo from the family Bible. The stamp on the back was “W. Thwaites. jun., Photographer.” Using #Trove I found advertisements and tracked W. Thwaites movements, and helped nail down the date and probable location the photo was taken. Use every clue, eh?
Thwaites quite a fascinating character himself! #histodons #AustralianHistory #HistodonsAU
#familyhistory #Trove #histodons #australianhistory #histodonsau
📍 Glenrowan, Victoria
📸 Canon 750D
#NedKelly #NedsLastStand #Glenrowan #Victoria #KellyCountry #bushrangers #bushranger #australianhistory #OvensValley #KellySiege #KellySiegeSites #VMKPhotography #photography
#nedkelly #nedslaststand #glenrowan #victoria #kellycountry #bushrangers #bushranger #australianhistory #ovensvalley #kellysiege #kellysiegesites #vmkphotography #photography
📍 Glenrowan, Victoria
📸 Canon 750D
#NedKelly #NedsLastStand #Glenrowan #Victoria #KellyCountry #bushrangers #bushranger #australianhistory #OvensValley #KellySiege #KellySiegeSites #VMKPhotography #photography
#nedkelly #nedslaststand #glenrowan #victoria #kellycountry #bushrangers #bushranger #australianhistory #ovensvalley #kellysiege #kellysiegesites #vmkphotography #photography
📍 Uralla, New South Wales
📸 Canon 750D
[photo a day in may #25]
#CaptainThunderbolt #FredWard #Thunderbolt #bushranger #Uralla #NewSouthWales #NorthernTablelands #NewEngland #ThunderboltCountry #AustralianHistory #headstone #taphophile #NationalPhotographyMonth #PhotographyMonth #PhotoADayInMay #PhotoADay #photography #VMKPhotography
#captainthunderbolt #fredward #thunderbolt #bushranger #uralla #newsouthwales #northerntablelands #newengland #thunderboltcountry #australianhistory #headstone #taphophile #nationalphotographymonth #photographymonth #photoadayinmay #photoaday #photography #vmkphotography
Australians and their beer! New open access article in @apehr dissects the concentration of market power & changing spatial footprint of Victorian brewing 1870-1900, from Gavin Wood, Declan Martin & Liz Taylor. Importance of #railway #innovation #technology #regulation #scale #consumption #colonialism
@econhist @economics @sociology @politicalscience @geography @geodons @industrialorganization @transportecon #AustralianHistory #beer #history #histodons #bizhis #GIS
#gis #bizhis #histodons #history #beer #australianhistory #colonialism #consumption #scale #regulation #technology #innovation #railway
📍 Forbes, New South Wales
📸 Canon 750D
[photo a day in may #5]
#BenHall #bushranger #headstone #Forbes #ForbesCemetery #grave #cemetery #taphophile #NewSouthWales #CentralWestNSW #AmazingForbes #Australianhistory #NationalPhotographyMonth #PhotographyMonth #PhotoADayInMay #PhotoADay #VMKPhotography #photography
#benhall #bushranger #headstone #forbes #forbescemetery #grave #cemetery #taphophile #newsouthwales #centralwestnsw #amazingforbes #australianhistory #nationalphotographymonth #photographymonth #photoadayinmay #photoaday #vmkphotography #photography
Arvo, Toots! I’m still feeling grumbly, so instead, let’s have some more #FamilyHistory fun. This lovely silhouette is my Dad, c.1952, and was made by a famous travelling silhouette artist artist, S. John Ross, using scissors, in about 45 seconds, at the #Quirindi show. #Trove #TroveAustralia #TroveAu #AustralianHistory #Histodons #HistodonsAu
#familyhistory #quirindi #Trove #troveaustralia #troveau #australianhistory #histodons #histodonsau
Often I see calls for reviews of works of oral history but I always struggle to find out what works are new or about to be published.
I'm curious, how do others manage that? Is this more because I'm not in an institution and not noticing these things?
#histodons #OralHistory #australianhistory #irishhistory
Arvo,Toots! Last nights insomnia was not fun. #FamilyHistory puzzle of last night solved easily this morning, I should have just got up and looked, of course.
Today’s photo is a scrap of #AustralianHistory. This tattered old envelope, “With compliments to Geoff, From Trixie and her boys, 1949” seems like rubbish - but my Dad, Geoff, was 10, Trixie and her boys were sheep, gifts from his Uncle, and the wool price was high. He earned several pounds a year from their clip. #histodons
#familyhistory #australianhistory #histodons
"First Peoples’ knowledge of ‘mysterious fairy circles’ in Australian deserts has upended a long-standing science debate
(...) In 2016, a group of international scientists concluded that, in the Australian Pilbara, “fairy circles” arose from spinifex plants competing for water and nutrients – a similar explanation to the one they proposed for fairy circles in Namibia. These stories were amplified by the media, but the voices of Aboriginal desert people were not reported.
In a study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution today, we show what our Aboriginal coauthors have always known – that fairy circles in the Western Deserts of Australia are flat, hard “pavements” inhabited by spinifex termites (Drepanotermes species)."
#FirstNations #Australia
#IndigenousKnowledge #AustralianHistory
#firstnations #australia #indigenousknowledge #australianhistory
The second episode of the A History of Australia podcast has been released! In it, we discuss sahul, megafauna, and the arrival of Indigenous Australians to the continent over 60,000 years ago.
Check out the episode on Spotify, Audible, Google Podcasts, and Samsung Free.
#history #histodons #podcast #australia #australianhistory
Another #australianhistory / Australiana #podcast rec: Michael Adams delves into the “pashometer” craze of the 1930s. I had no idea the term “pash” went that far back in Aussie slang- although it’s not clear if it specifically refers to making out at this point.
Another #australianhistory / Australiana #podcast rec: Michael Adams delves into the “pashometer” craze of 1929. I had no idea the term “pash” went that far back - although it seems to refer to general agitation, perhaps passion.
Interview with Aussie author Mark Heyward:
#tasmania #tasmanian #aussie #australian #australianhistory
War first came to Australia at 9:58am on Sunday, February 19, 1942.
The Bombing of Darwin marked 2 years of attacks against Australia’s northern inhabitants and began the Battle for Australia.
Although casualties were fewer, more bombs were dropped on Darwin in that first day, than were dropped on Pearl Harbor.
#WW2 #History #WWII #AustralianHistory #LestWeForget
'The day war first came to Australian shores': Thousands commemorate the bombing of Darwin, 81 years on
#ww2 #history #wwii #australianhistory #lestweforget
Ever so often I'm talking to someone about a bit of Australian history they're interested in and I say 'Have you looked it up in Trove?' and they say 'No, what's Trove?'
And I'm so excited for them.
Like a kid leaving a small town for uni. They don't understand how much fun is ahead.
#trove #australianhistory #troveau federal funding for Trove is running out soon. I use trove so much - it's records are invaluable. If you are in Australia could you please send a message to your MP about guaranteeing funding for it? #australianHistory #trove #digitalRecords #wikipedia
#wikipedia #digitalrecords #Trove #australianhistory
Looking forward to recording more episodes in 2023. Planned topics include:
Greater gliders
Pelvic floor advice
A pair of great aunts
Chorkles Nellie Louisa Moss
Quizzes (for ladies)
Feel free to contact us with ideas and tip-offs. We'd love to find a long-lost murderer in someone's family.
Happy New Year!
#Trove #NationalLibraryAustralia #HistoryPodcast #NewspaperArchives #PelvicFloor #GreaterGliders #Chorkles #NewspaperArchives #AustralianHistory #OralHistory #FamilyHistory #TrueCrime
#trove #nationallibraryaustralia #historypodcast #newspaperarchives #pelvicfloor #GreaterGliders #chorkles #australianhistory #oralhistory #familyhistory #truecrime