The fetishisation of youth might be undergoing a makeover – when has ageing ever looked this fun? | Van Badham
#AgeingMEWS #BeautyMEWS #CelebrityMEWS #LifeAndStyleMEWS #CosmeticSurgeryMEWS #AustralianLifestyleMEWS
As the domain of human potential is staked by the powerful older, it’s not unreasonable to imagine beauty standard...
#ageingmews #beautymews #celebritymews #lifeandstylemews #cosmeticsurgerymews #australianlifestylemews
A day at the beach: ‘I looked through the tunnel of water at all the people hollering for me’
#LifeAndStyleMEWS #AustralianLifestyleMEWS #SwimmingMEWS #SurfingMEWS #SurfingHolidaysMEWS #SportMEWS #TasmaniaMEWS #AustraliaNewsMEWS
The waves at Tasmania’s Shipstern Bluff are notoriously big. When she was 18, Lizzie Stokely faced them for the first time – and deci...
#lifeandstylemews #australianlifestylemews #swimmingmews #surfingmews #surfingholidaysmews #sportmews #tasmaniamews #australianewsmews
Stranded at sea: amateur female sailors speak of sexual abuse by captains they met online
#WomenMEWS #ViolenceAgainstWomenAndGirlsMEWS #SexualHarassmentMEWS #SailingHolidaysMEWS #AustraliaNewsMEWS #AustralianLifestyleMEWS
Crew websites urged to do more to protect victims, who set off seeking adventure only to be trapped onboard with a predato...
#womenmews #violenceagainstwomenandgirlsmews #sexualharassmentmews #sailingholidaysmews #australianewsmews #australianlifestylemews
Stalking the dead: how tracing old photographs helped me resurrect my mother’s past
#FamilyMEWS #HolocaustMEWS #JudaismMEWS #SecondWorldWarMEWS #AustralianLifestyleMEWS
I spent my youth running away from my mother’s Holocaust story. As mother to the grandchildren she never knew, I ached to know moreMy mother had four different first names, ...
#familymews #holocaustmews #judaismmews #secondworldwarmews #australianlifestylemews