Inga Leonora · @IngaLeonora
51 followers · 375 posts · Server

My Ares is a very amusing semi-arboreal python. I love watching her knot herself over her climbing stick. She likes to sleep curled up on her hot spot amongst the rocks during the day (or in her wooden hide snug in the straw), but once the sun goes down she's so up orientated I am thinking about getting her a taller enclosure.

She's also very pretty with an immensely boopable snoot.

#australianpythons #childrenspythons #antaresiachildreni #semiarboreal

Last updated 1 year ago

Inga Leonora · @IngaLeonora
52 followers · 358 posts · Server

Ares engaged in perfect serpenting after another perfect shed. I don't usually disturb them in their hides, but her shed was missing a tail. Fortunately, it had simply broken off and was sitting inside her hide, so I didn't have to disturb the perfect pose.

#australianpythons #antaresiachildreni #reptilehusbandry #childrenspython

Last updated 2 years ago

Inga Leonora · @IngaLeonora
29 followers · 157 posts · Server

This is just Ares showing off. She sees your and raises you attitude. I put that mouse on her rocks, she got up over it to strike, constrict and eat it. You might be able to see its back feet between her coils.

Meanwhile, Armie, the dessert dweller, got down and around his. Because everyone has their style.

#greentreepython #antaresia #nohands #semiaborial #childrenspython #antaresiachildreni #australianpythons #australiansnakes #australianreptiles

Last updated 2 years ago

Inga Leonora · @IngaLeonora
29 followers · 144 posts · Server

My little python Ares, is in recovery mode. She's been in shed for over a week & today was the day. When I checked on her she was halfway done & had torn the shed horizontally sporting a clean back but couldn't get a grab on the half on her belly. I came back early this evening to find she had taken matters outside her wood hide (where she'd done most of the work) to her rocks & the water bowl. She did a stellar job.

Her house is nice & clean now, & she is curled up inside her hide again, sporting sparkling fresh skin.

I continue to be amazed at the kind of event skin shedding is for the pythons. It's uncomfortable; they stop eating mostly, probably because it's uncomfortable, & when it's time to go, it's all off at once, & the movement can result in throwing up; they go mostly blind for a period; & they can work for hours to get it all off.

Now, you might think, "oh wow, reptiles shedding, how interesting..." sarcastically to yourself, but actually, yes, it really is! These tiny little beings that fit in my hand have all these amazing ways of being with all new irritants & struggles & solutions that we don't know. & I have a lot of respect for them. I do my best to make things very comfortable & easy for them, but you can only set up conditions as well as you can, & let them do the work.

#antaresiachildrini #childrenspython #australianpythons #australianreptiles #reptiles #pythons #snakes #snakeskin #snakeshedding #reptilehusbandry

Last updated 2 years ago