@kerriesmith I don't disagree up to a point (i taught in public system for 38yrs) but the cards are so stacked against kids like ours.
Money doesn't "make" a school good but it sure helps with resources, incl staffing: educ support staff for the kids that need them, specialist teachers for the smaller Subject areas (literature, languages, law, drama that are too expensive to run for Yrs11/12), music equipment that works, computers that are sufficient in number for all students, sports equipment, money available to pay for struggling families to take kids on excursions and camps... i could go on endlessly.
Public schools would do SO much for all areas of curriculum with the govt money that is siphoned off for private schools. Those schools that already get payment from parents. The wealthy effectively pay fees but then get public (their) money back again in the form of tax payers money. Is řeally immoral and represents $$ millions every year.
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