They're getting sneakier...

#scams #australiapost #dontclickthelink

Last updated 1 year ago

Maude Nificent · @maudenificent
624 followers · 4264 posts · Server


It doesn’t matter whether you are home at time of delivery or not, and I’ve decided it’s best not to risk meddling with delivery insttuctions.
, noting the Australian reputation for gambling, have appealed to punters by turning their delivery system into a game of chance

i particularly love the heart stopping anticipation a “your parcel has been delivered” message, followed by all the hoo-hah involved in getting a pic of where the parcel was left.

PS pack a cuppla vegemite sandwiches for when you start scouring the neighbourhood to find a residence with final resting place resembling the photo keeps as “proof of delivery”


Last updated 2 years ago

Frank Filippone · @frankfil
35 followers · 113 posts · Server

Wasn't sure if I would be home today so had a delivery via Aust Post redirected to my local Post Office. This has triggered this sequence of events:

SMS and push notification stating my package will be delivered today by 2:40pm - ok correct but strangely worded as it's going to the PO not my home.

A tracking update to state the package has arrived at my local PO - so it's arrived but it's not yet ready for collection - confusing!

A second set of SMS/push msgs to say “The Postie has been delayed we are sorry we will deliver later today" - err but it's already at the PO!

A tracking update to state the package is ready for collection from PO, timestamped prior to the "sorry we are running late" msgs.

Yep not confusing in any way at all!

#australiapost #austpost

Last updated 2 years ago

scandrof · @scandrof
229 followers · 3366 posts · Server

I'd be quite fine with weekly letter deliveries, as I hardly receive any mail anyway (all my bills come via the Internet), and I only check my letterbox once or twice a week. But for those without Internet access or unable to use it, weekly mail deliveries might be a real problem, especially since the due date for utilities bills is often only 10-14 days from the date of issue (compared to 21-30 days back in the 1990s ). Bills could arrive after the due date.

Article extract: "Australia Post has been a beneficiary of the nation’s growing obsession with online shopping, with the group delivering over 500 million parcels in the 2022 financial year. But Graham said the boost wasn’t enough to counter the mounting costs of fulfilling Australia Post’s obligations to deliver paper mail across the country.

“We have a fixed cost network, we have community service obligation [on] which we spend $348 million, primarily focused on the mail business. Our whole organisation is geared towards meeting that 98.5 per cent on-time mail delivery,” he said.

“It sucks up a lot of resources, we are delivering to every single community, every single day. We have 15,000 street posting boxes that have to be cleared every single day. A lot of those boxes are empty because people aren’t posting stuff.”"

Australia Post losses ballooning as consumers send fewer letters -

#australiapost #letters #mail #australia

Last updated 2 years ago

1. Don't call me Naomi
2. Pretty sure A.P. have their OWN domain name...

#australiapost #scamalert

Last updated 2 years ago

P Gamble · @pb_gamble
60 followers · 155 posts · Server

Renewing a simple PO Box with has to be one of the most tedious things humanity has to offer..

1. Paid $261 for the most basic PO Box with PO Box Plus (so I can receive parcels), the website says it's now sent me a receipt and tax invoice..

2. No receipt and no tax invoice..

3. I contact and their flunky says to "check your junk mail folder" (which is the very first thing I tried), I email back again already done, please send tax invoice.

4. Same flunky emails back saying they've sent a "second" (lol, where's the first?) tax invoice attached to this email, there's no attachment on the email at all..

5. Wrote back again letting flunky know there was in fact no attachment and to PLEASE *SEND* MY *RECEIPT* and *TAX INVOICE* THANKYOU!..

6. Money came out of my account straight away upon paying, still waiting for the tax invoice and receipt, the joys of dealing with mindless money-hungry corporations................

#australiapost #auspost

Last updated 2 years ago

Heliograph · @Heliograph
306 followers · 2996 posts · Server

sad but also awesome - A new postal service will be run by the District Community Association - an army of volunteers is reopening a post office in the NSW Snowy Mountains town after years without any postal services.

#dalgety #australia #postalservice #australiapost #volunteers

Last updated 2 years ago

· @Rumpelstiltskin
90 followers · 1528 posts · Server

As the federal govt considers allowing to modify (regressively) its letter service, I listened to an phone-in.
1) I can't conceive anything more insensitive than e-mailing condolences to a bereaved close person.
2) How many attempts at online fraud do people receive by e-mails masquerading as utility suppliers? Me: plenty. How many in a letter? Nil.
3) Why is it incumbent on me to buy a phone and maintain an account to live as an ordinary citizen?

#auspol #australiapost #abclocalradio

Last updated 2 years ago

John :OZ: :Koala: :auspol: · @John
144 followers · 237 posts · Server

#australiapost #auspol

Last updated 2 years ago

Justin at Ecoscore · @ecoscore
133 followers · 98 posts · Server
Rain · @rainy
1644 followers · 1307 posts · Server

released two postage stamps to mark the platinum jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, as the nation commemorates her 70th year as Head of the Commonwealth.

#australiapost #postagestampsofausrtralia

Last updated 2 years ago

Rain · @rainy
1644 followers · 1307 posts · Server

released two postage stamps to mark the platinum jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, as the nation commemorates her 70th year as Head of the Commonwealth.

#postagestampsofausrtralia #australiapost

Last updated 2 years ago

Piper · @Piper_aus
29 followers · 35 posts · Server

so I relented and opened up a new account on the bird (which made me jump through several bloody hoops first) solely for the purpose of messaging about the missing parcel (because they have always been super helpful with direct messages) only to discover they now re-direct to a customer service enquiry form on their website 😠 And now I can't find the 'delete account' button to be free of the bird once again.


Last updated 2 years ago

Piper · @piper
55 followers · 432 posts · Server

the day has come where I really miss my bird account. were always very responsive to enquiries and now I have no way to directly contact them about a parcel that's been sitting in a sorting facility for over a week now, bummer. The chat feature on their website is just automated and useless.


Last updated 2 years ago

erstwhile · @erstwhile
12 followers · 174 posts · Server

@thetiredelk . . the same elderly Australians that paid for and their effing poor service out of thier taxes for years . . . then pay again to use their rapidly degrading services.

#australiapost #corporatetheft #auspol #rippedoff

Last updated 2 years ago

erstwhile · @erstwhile
12 followers · 174 posts · Server

@thetiredelk erm .. 's role is two fold:
A) provide gold plated time pieces to those who's job it is to ___ post service users, for fun and profit.

B) to close local branches in knee jerk fashion, and direct all recievers to a westfield retail point of presence 'because covid' . . for 6 months longer than most other 'services', exposing thier customers to yet more risk and hardship ( in particualr, elderly Australians) who now don't recognise it as a service.


Last updated 2 years ago

Hmmm · @Hmmm
33 followers · 222 posts · Server

for to . No sms, no text message, no email. 3 tries. Made a PDF of the last try, will have to take it to a tomorrow.

#auspost #australiapost #customsdeclaration #parcel #ireland #postoffice #nightmare

Last updated 2 years ago

Frank Filippone · @frankfil
31 followers · 64 posts · Server

I just love how every delivery person waits less than 4.5 seconds after knocking on my front door before deciding there isn't anyone home and starting to walk off.
Even though this is a 2 storey place so it's going to take more than 4.5 seconds for someone to come down the stairs and open the door.
And they wonder why people complain about their service!


Last updated 2 years ago

Dr Mark Bahnisch · @AjaanMark
311 followers · 298 posts · Server

Happy Christmas to those celebrating 🎄🎉 Very nice weather in Brisbane! Have a great day and be kind 💓

#christmas #brisbane #australiapost

Last updated 2 years ago