Looking for feedback about this:
"We don’t need great men, just a great knowledge repository with great communication and sharing"
Much as is the case with Adam Smith, the ideas of Friedrich Hayek haven't always been fully grasped or fairly presented. But they're worth understanding.
Oh, and he also knew a thing or two about decentralization.
#Economics #Hayek #AustrianSchool
#economics #hayek #austrianSchool
^^^ #AustrianSchool see above.
Meanwhile govt printing hundreds of thousands for #StateDept employees that claim to have mythical symptoms of the mythical "Havana Syndrome". For those who don't know what it is see #MassPsychogenicIllness.
Basically a mental condition brought on by peer induced #massHysteria, from the #post2016 fake #RussiaGate.
The #USA can't help being false.
#austrianSchool #statedept #massPsychogenicIllness #masshysteria #post2016 #russiagate #usa #FourthTurning #moneyPrinterGoDrr #grifters
If you want a crash course in #economics replace the word 'love' with '#growth' and 'kiss' with '#bailout', in Palmer's 1986 song — it describes #Keynesian economics surprisingly well.
If anyone wants an explanation of Keynesian vs #AustrianSchool economics, feel free to ask.
#economics #growth #bailout #keynesian #austrianSchool #robertPalmer #AddictedToGrowth #AddictedToLove
Not to sound conspiratorial, but most of the time they aim to make us sick.
The only time they want to actually kill us is when we explain that we are of the #AustrianSchool of #economics and thus value #saving.
#warOnSavers #centralBanks #deleteKeynesianism #banksters #bankerCrimes #inflation #stealthTax #debtSlavery #whyBitcoinCore
#austrianSchool #economics #saving #warOnSavers #centralBanks #deleteKeynesianism #banksters #bankerCrimes #inflation #stealthTax #debtslavery #whyBitcoinCore
HONEST ECONOMISTS set to produce #deepFake adaptation of the 1997 #Titanic film to reflect the impact the morbid event had in the realm of international banking and finance.
In case the original #film wasn't long enough.
#deepfake #titanic #film #austrianSchool #economics #shouldBeTrue
Inflation is an increase in the supply of a currency.
There's a recent episode of #KeiserReport that goes into the definitions of #inflation over the past century and its *very* enlightening. If memory serves its titled 'Are you prepared?'. Podcast is served over AmazonSoundcloud so we don't share links to it and we strongly recomend TorBrowser to research things that are likely to lead you towards #AustrianSchool economics, hint most ppl are AustrianSchool but don't know it.
#KeiserReport #inflation #austrianSchool
Wondering if there is a specific gene related to a person's propensity to accept #keynesianism and #infiniteGrowth.
An obsession with increasing numbers is an #illness, but such an #obsession is baked into #KeynesianEconomics, which obsesses over 3% #growth.
Wonder if its the same gene that relates to #addiction and #hedonism.
#presentHedonist #stocks #genetics #austrianSchool #warOnSavers #warOnPreservers #warOnConservationists #warOnProgressiveLeft
#keynesianism #infiniteGrowth #illness #obsession #KeynesianEconomics #growth #addiction #hedonism #presentHedonist #stocks #genetics #austrianSchool #warOnSavers #warOnPreservers #warOnConservationists #warOnProgressiveLeft
Banker #bailouts are a form of looting by stealth.
#billionaireClass #socialismForTheRich #cantillionaire #cantillonEffect #looting #inflation #centralbanking #keynesianism #qe #wallstreet #bankers #fundingBothSidesOfWar #warIsARacket #militarisation #warOnThePoor #billgates #humanEnergy #divideAndRule #leftVsRight #falseChoice #moneyPrimary #riggedPrimaries #bernieOrVest #austrianSchool #economics #bitcoinStandard
#bailouts #billionaireclass #socialismfortherich #cantillionaire #cantilloneffect #looting #inflation #centralBanking #keynesianism #QE #wallstreet #bankers #fundingBothSidesOfWar #warisaracket #militarisation #warOnThePoor #billgates #humanEnergy #divideandrule #leftVsRight #falseChoice #moneyPrimary #riggedprimaries #BernieOrVest #austrianSchool #economics #bitcoinStandard
When it comes to offering a #UniversalBasicIncome in the west, what do people think of the term, "Citizen's Dividend".
It's short, rolls of the tongue, and has an #economic vibe the right can appeciate.
The word, "#dividend" also implies that people can only receive that which is contributed via #taxation. The #moneyPrinters should hate that.
#CitizensDividend #centralBanking #landtax #rentalValue #tax #ubi #socialJustice #austrianSchool #economics
#universalbasicincome #economic #dividend #taxation #moneyPrinters #citizensdividend #centralBanking #LandTax #rentalValue #tax #ubi #socialjustice #austrianSchool #economics