The first part of the #HenzeDigital #digitaledition is now online. 👏
@AMP_OeAW is especially looking forward to #HansWernerHenze's correspondence w/ #WHAuden & #ChesterKallman related to their close collaboration in the 1950s-60s, during Auden's Austrian period.
#henzedigital #DigitalEdition #hanswernerhenze #whauden #chesterkallman #austrianauden
Do not miss #BBC's Three Faces of WH Auden - Tue, 12 Sep 2023, 11:30, #BBC Radio 4 📻
Produced by Geoff Bird, featuring Michael Symmons Roberts, with contributions by Alan Bennett, Katherine Bucknell, Carl Phillips, Zaffar Kunial & @AMP_OeAW
@ACDHCH_OeAW @fwf #AustrianAuden
Excited to see that our collaboration with #ComputerVisionLab of #TUWien
meets with such great interest. 📽️🎙️
We would like to thank @fwf & @ACDHCH_OeAW for supporting our research!
#OpenAccess #DigitalHumanities #DH #AustrianAuden #AudenMusulinPapers
#computervisionlab #tuwien #openaccess #DigitalHumanities #dh #austrianauden #audenmusulinpapers
We are thrilled to be invited to participate in Panel Session 1: Materiality in Editions of 20th-Century Paperbound Correspondence 🔜
So looking forward to meeting you all at @teimec2023! 🙌
@ACDHCH_OeAW @fwf @TEIConsortium
#AustrianAuden #AudenMusulinPapers
#austrianauden #audenmusulinpapers
According to the #TEI Guidelines, the <address> element cannot contain <unclear>. 🙄
If #WHAuden had known, he would surely have made an effort when jotting addresses down on his envelopes.
#AudenMusulinPapers #AustrianAuden @teiconsortium @stefandumont @type @cfritze
#tei #whauden #audenmusulinpapers #austrianauden
Releasing v0.4.0 of the Auden Musulin Papers #DigitalEdition.
👉 features our collaboration with #tuwien's #ComputerVisionLab to retrieve (partly unknown) poetry by #WHAuden from indented impressions.
#AustrianAuden #DH #DigitalHumanities #ComputerVision #PhotometricStereo @fwf @ACDHCH_OeAW
#DigitalEdition #tuwien #computervisionlab #whauden #austrianauden #dh #DigitalHumanities #computervision #photometricstereo
And there it was, at the bottom of the box. #WHAuden's first letter to #StellaMusulin from 1959. And so much more.
Back at the archives - here at #ArchivDerZeitgenossen and #UniKrems.
#AustrianAuden #DigitalEdition @ACDHCH_OeAW @fwf
#whauden #stellamusulin #archivderzeitgenossen #unikrems #austrianauden #DigitalEdition
On the International Women's Day 2023, the Österreichische Gesellschaft für Literatur (the hub of #WHAuden's literary network during his Austrian period 1958-73) is located at Frauengasse 5 (instead of Herrengasse 5). #EmbraceEquity #WienerLinien #AustrianAuden
#whauden #embraceequity #wienerlinien #austrianauden
🔥 The W. H. Auden Society Newsletter 41 is out - presenting some of @AMP_OeAW 's fresh research on #WHAuden and #ChesterKallman's purchase of their Austrian house & on a previously unnoticed publication of Auden's poem "Joseph Weinheber". #AustrianAuden @ACDHCH_OeAW @fwf
#whauden #chesterkallman #austrianauden
British-American poet #WHAuden was born #OTD in 1907. 🎂 On the occasion of his 60th birthday, Kirchstetten renamed the lane leading to his house Audenstraße. However, Auden continued to use the address "Hinterholz 6" on his stationary (allegedly arguing that streets should only be named after dead people). #AustrianAuden @ACDHCH_OeAW @fwf
🔥 Now #OpenAccess: new research on #WHAuden's Austrian period 1958-73 - situated at the intersection of #LifeWriting, #PersonaStudies, & #DigitalEdition - through previously unresearched @Staatsarchiv files. ➡️ #AustrianAuden @FWF
#openaccess #whauden #LifeWriting #personastudies #DigitalEdition #austrianauden
#OTD in 1975, #WHAuden's partner & collaborator, poet & librettist #ChesterKallman, died in #Athens (where he had lived in οδός Αθηναίων Εφήβων). This previously unpublished private photo, taken by #StellaMusulin in May 1969, shows Kallman & Auden at their Kirchstetten house together with Austrian historian #FriedrichHeer. #AustrianAuden @fwf
#otd #whauden #chesterkallman #athens #stellamusulin #friedrichheer #austrianauden
Rediscovering pieces of furniture from #WHAuden's Austrian house in the deep storage of the ZEITzeigen Kirchstetten community archive. 👀 Including original cigarette burns, but otherwise in perfect condition. #AustrianAuden
We are on Mastodon! :fedihum:
Follow us & stay tuned for fresh research on #WHAuden 's Austrian period 1958-1973, and his "working correspondence" with writer Stella Musulin. 🔥
#whauden #dh #DigitalHumanities #DigitalEdition #austrianauden