Mention even the slightest thing about Austria "needing to stop being such a car-centric country" and you get accused of being an arrogant Viennese and "Don't you know that people in the countryside depend on cars?"
That's why I said we should offer everyone alternatives and invest in public transport, ffs.
But the way political debates are going in Austria, and the latent hate against Vienna harboured by about 80% of the country who will dismiss something coming from Vienna because it came from Vienna... not worth losing any nerves over this.
Or indeed expecting anything to change.
Every day I get less optimistic about Austria. Ingrained Catholic morals (like "hard work" and "mothers need to stay home with their kids for at least 2 years, otherwise they're bad mothers and 'career women'") drive so much of what's happening in this country that I feel we won't see any social progress in my lifetime- on the contrary. If those in power, particularly the ÖVP, who I don't believe will be out of government in the next 10 years, pushing their total in government to an uninterrupted 40 years plus, had it their way, they'd outlaw abortion completely, make it mandatory for mothers to stay home for 2 years when they have a baby, and make it impossible for anyone to work less than 40 hours per week.
Every attempt to challenge these morals gets met with "but we've always done it that way" and/or "didn't hurt us either when we were young", left-wing, open-minded and solidaric voters are apparently such a negligible part of the electorate that no party even dares promising something that's even remotely progressive, let alone not racist, and the wide-reaching reforms of the 1970s feel like an all-too brief window that's by now well and truly closed.
I openly despise this country these days, and it's extremely frustrating to be a progressive person in Austria.
Die letzten Äußerungen eines FPÖ-Politikers gegenüber einer Schülerin machen mal wieder sprachlos…
Bitte unterschreibt die Petition von SOS-Mitmensch:
#HerzStattHass #HerzStattHetze #HaltungStattSpaltung #politsatire #satire #fpöfails #fpö #österreich #österreichistschön #österreichischepolitik #austrianpolitics #waldhäusl
#waldhausl #austrianpolitics #osterreichischepolitik #osterreichistschon #osterreich #FPO #fpofails #satire #Politsatire #haltungstattspaltung #HerzStattHetze #herzstatthass
In diesem Comic beziehe ich mich auf ein Wahlplakat der FPÖ. Auf dieses Plakat sieht man den FPÖ-Chef Herbert Kickl, gekleidet in einer Art Bundesheeruniform, der nach einer „Festung Österreich“ verlangt. Die Essenz der FPÖ-Politik ist Hetzen und Ängste schüren. Und leider ist die FPÖ mit dieser Art der Politik auch immer wieder erfolgreich. #HerzStattHass #HerzStattHetze #HaltungStattSpaltung #politsatire #satire #fpöfails #fpö #österreich #österreichischepolitik #austrianpolitics #kickl
#kickl #austrianpolitics #osterreichischepolitik #osterreich #FPO #fpofails #satire #Politsatire #haltungstattspaltung #HerzStattHetze #herzstatthass