My wife got her test confirmed! She is #AutHD! #Autism #ADHD #neurodivergent
#neurodivergent #adhd #Autism #authd
Being #neurodivergent do you get the random bursts of energy in the hour of midnight where plan ideas with DMs, emails, doing sketching, writing something want to get it done but only from your bed. Would be odd anywhere else (I think) #Autism #Autistic #askingautistics #actuallyautistic #ADHDCreative #adhd #authd #actuallyadhd
#neurodivergent #autism #autistic #askingautistics #actuallyautistic #adhdcreative #adhd #authd #actuallyadhd
#autism #actuallyautistic #asd #adhd #authd #tourettes #chronicpain #dyspraxia #ElhersDanlosSyndrome #cerebalpalsy #mentalhealth #DID
Other will guests include Rosemary Richings, Sara Jane Harvey (Agony Autie), Lydia Wilkins, Harrison RB, Matilda Barrowman and Maggie Slighthe
#autism #actuallyautistic #asd #adhd #authd #tourettes #chronicpain #dyspraxia #elhersdanlossyndrome #cerebalpalsy #mentalhealth #did