Ich möchte mich endlich von #LastPass trennen, wenn ich schon all meine Passwörter ändern muss, wegen #lastpassbreach. Welche Alternativen schlagt Ihr vor? #Geräteübergreifend, #Opensource und #authenticator wären toll...
#feditips #authenticator #opensource #gerateubergreifend #lastpassbreach #lastpass
Vraagje! Wat is volgens jullie de beste #opensource #authenticator app geschikt voor zowel #ios als #android? Dank jullie wel! 🙂
#opensource #authenticator #iOS #android
I love how #Google think theirs is the only #authenticator app available.
Here's to #Aegis (https://github.com/beemdevelopment/Aegis) and others like it!
#google #authenticator #aegis #foss #privacy #tfa #2fa
Brilliant. uOttawa and Carleton both now require login #authenticator to use #outlook on my phone but you can't have both logins on the same phone. So now I can only access one email or the other.
Because academics only work one job, right?
Am I the last to learn that iOS has a built-in TOTP Authenticator?!
這篇文章會教大家如何在幣安註冊開戶,包含基本註冊流程、身份認證、雙重驗證等步驟,都會一步一步示範給各位小讀者,同時也會提醒一些該注意的地方,希望能幫助大家快速完成開戶不卡關 ~ 順利透過幣安來進入加密貨幣的世界!(內有讀者專屬優惠,非開戶建議)
#btc #eth #usdt #crypto #binance #exchange #kyc #2fa #email #account #register #authenticator #幣安 #手續費 #優惠 #推薦碼 #邀請碼 #加密貨幣 #虛擬貨幣 #區塊鏈 #投資理財 #註冊 #開戶 #交易所 #身份認證 #兩步驟驗證 #人臉辨識 #身份證件 #郵箱 #手機
#手機 #郵箱 #身份證件 #人臉辨識 #兩步驟驗證 #身份認證 #交易所 #開戶 #註冊 #投資理財 #區塊鏈 #虛擬貨幣 #加密貨幣 #邀請碼 #推薦碼 #優惠 #手續費 #幣安 #authenticator #register #account #email #2fa #kyc #exchange #binance #crypto #USDT #eth #btc
Probably a little late, but logging into #Vivaldi made me aware of a problem with #authenticator apps.
Faced with this dialog box, for first time in many moons, the natural question was: "*Which* authenticator app?"
Fortunately I don't have too many of these so I got in eventually.
App per l’autenticazione a due fattori in cloud
Una lista di app per l'autenticazione a due fattori in cloud open source. Un compromesso che cercano in molti, ecco le alternative
LINK --> https://www.lealternative.net/2023/06/21/app-per-lautenticazione-a-due-fattori-in-cloud/
#OltreGoogle #sicurezza #2fa #authenticator
Hướng dẫn cài đặt Google Authenticator
Google Authenticator là một công cụ giúp bảo mật tài khoản Google mỗi lần đăng nhập. Authenticator sẽ tạo một mã code gồm 6 chữ số và có hiệu lực trong 30s, quá trình được lập lại liên tục mỗi khi bạn đăng nhập bằng, như thế sẽ giúp bảo mật tài khoản tốt hơn.
Xem cách tải và cài đặt, đồng bộ Google Authenticator tại: https://urlvn.net/gfxz0m
#seiofva #google #authenticator #taikhoan #googleauthenticator #sohoa
#sohoa #googleauthenticator #taikhoan #authenticator #google #seiofva
#Google verspricht Geräteverschlüsselung im #Authenticator - liefert aber nicht | Security https://www.heise.de/news/Google-Authenticator-Geraeteverschluesselung-versprochen-aber-nicht-geliefert-9065547.html #GoogleAuthenticator
#GoogleAuthenticator #authenticator #google
Verwendet bloß nicht die #Google #Authenticator app: https://www.heise.de/news/Google-Authenticator-Geraeteverschluesselung-versprochen-aber-nicht-geliefert-9065547.html?wt_mc=rss.red.ho.ho.atom.beitrag.beitrag
#google #authenticator #totp #2fa
Wurde auch Zeit!
#Google #Authenticator #Security
#google #authenticator #security
WARNUNG #google #authenticator #app verbindet sich nach dem neuesten Update ungefragt mit dem Google-Konto und synchronisiert die Daten.
Etwas, was ich bei einer #2fa eben genau *nicht* haben will
#google #authenticator #app #2fa
Two Factor Authentication Apps: Mistakes to Malware https://hackaday.com/2023/05/17/two-factor-authentication-apps-mistakes-to-malware/ #SecurityHacks #authenticator #Featured #Interest #password #oath #totp
#SecurityHacks #authenticator #Featured #Interest #password #oath #totp
Two Factor Authentication Apps: Mistakes to Malware - Everyone in security will tell you need two-factor authentication (2FA), and we ag... - https://hackaday.com/2023/05/17/two-factor-authentication-apps-mistakes-to-malware/ #securityhacks #authenticator #featured #interest #password #oath #totp
#totp #oath #password #interest #featured #authenticator #securityhacks
#Binance recommande de ne pas activer la synchronisation ni la sauvegarde dans #Google #Authenticator
#binance #google #authenticator
Google's added passkeys as a way to get into your Google Accounts. But... what's a passkey? Here's my explainer covering how they work and how they differ from passwords:
#Passwords #Security #Authenticator #Google
#passwords #security #authenticator #google
#Google #Authenticator: Kehrtwende nach Klartext-Synchronisierung | Security https://www.heise.de/news/Google-Authenticator-Ende-zu-Ende-Verschluesselung-in-Planung-8980559.html #TOTP #encryption #Verschlüsselung #E2EE #GoogleAuthenticator
#GoogleAuthenticator #e2ee #verschlusselung #encryption #totp #authenticator #google
Décidément, chez #Google, il semble qu'ils aient quelques bras cassés (et des protocoles de tests tout pourris) :
« De nombreux utilisateurs #iOS #Apple signalent avoir perdu leurs codes 2FA après avoir mis à jour leur application Google #Authenticator. »
#google #iOS #Apple #authenticator