Result from testing how #mastodon handles #photo #metadata :
They are ALL removed by default, no choice.
This is very bad, as even #AuthorCredits and my contact information are removed from the uploaded files. As a professional #photographer, I NEED TO HAVE A #Choice
Mastodon allows to freely download and share images - but I'm not allowed to embed that I am the #creator of a photo.
To me, that's a #CriticalFlaw or a #MastodonBug that needs to be changed.
#Photographers please share this
#mastodon #photo #metadata #authorcredits #photographer #Choice #Creator #criticalflaw #mastodonbug #photographers
Results from #Mastodon handling #metadata in #image files.
All information is removed, even #EXIF and #AuthorCredits.
This is bad, no options to preserve information that is contained in the uplloaded files. I WANT TO HAVE A #CHOICE.
#Mastodon allows to #download and share #images - but removes all information about an image #Creator
To me, this is a critical flaw - nay, even a #MastodonBug.
I will find what I can do about that,
#Photographers, please share this
#mastodon #metadata #image #Exif #authorcredits #Choice #download #images #Creator #mastodonbug #photographers