I'm on deck today at the marvelous Kayelle Allen's Romance Lives Forever blog - what fun interview questions she asked! Hope you'll stop by and ask me some more :)
#writingcommunity #eroticromance #authorinterviews #LGBTQ @bookstodon @smutstodon @romancelandia
#writingcommunity #eroticromance #authorinterviews #lgbtq
In my new interview with author L.R. Lam about her epic fantasy / high fantasy / romantasy novel "Dragonfall," she explains how it's not just about that hot human-on-dragon action.
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#LRLam #LRLamInterview #LRLamDragonfall #LRLamDragonfallInterview #LLRLamDragonScales #RLamDragonScalesTrilogy #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #Fantasy #HighFantasy #EpicFantasy #Romance #Romantasy #FantasyBookSeries
#lrlam #lrlaminterview #lrlamdragonfall #lrlamdragonfallinterview #llrlamdragonscales #rlamdragonscalestrilogy #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #Fantasy #highfantasy #epicfantasy #romance #romantasy #fantasybookseries
Nine years after its initial release, Christine Norrris' "A Curse Of Ash And Iron," her steampunk spin on "Cinderella," is being re-released. For more, check out this exclusive Q&A.
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#ChristineNorris #ChristineNorrisInterview #ChristineNorrisACurseOfAshAndIron #ChristineNorrisACurseOfAshAndIronInterview #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #Steampunk #FairyTale #FairyTales #Fantasy #Cinderella
#christinenorris #christinenorrisinterview #christinenorrisacurseofashandiron #christinenorrisacurseofashandironinterview #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #steampunk #fairytale #fairytales #Fantasy #cinderella
Set a scary story on a space ship and Iβm going to immediately think of "Alien" and "Dead Space." Which was the right thing to do when it came to Ness Brown's sci-fi horror novella "The Scourge Between Stars," as you can see from this exclusive interview.
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#NessBrown #NessBrownInterview #NessBrownTheScourgeBetweenStars #NessBrownTheScourgeBetweenStarsInterview #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Horror
#nessbrown #nessbrowninterview #nessbrownthescourgebetweenstars #nessbrownthescourgebetweenstarsinterview #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #scifi #sciencefiction #horror
While many have issues with gentrification, we don't hear as much about cities getting bigger. But those who do may get ideas from Phoebe Wagner's new solarpunk sci-fi novella "When We Hold Each Other Up." Or from this exclusive Q&A we did.
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#PhoebeWagner #PhoebeWagnerInterview #PhoebeWagnerWhenWeHoldEachOtherUp #PhoebeWagnerWhenWeHoldEachOtherUpInterview #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #SciFi #ScienceFiction #Solapunk
#phoebewagner #phoebewagnerinterview #phoebewagnerwhenweholdeachotherup #phoebewagnerwhenweholdeachotherupinterview #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #scifi #sciencefiction #solapunk
While most conspiracy theories are laughably stupid, they are sometimes good for inspiring fiction. Case in point: Ian Douglas' #MilitarySciFi novel "Alien Agenda," the third and final book of his "Solar Warden" trilogy. To learn more, check out this exclusive Q&A.
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#IanDouglas #IanDouglasInterview #IanDouglasAlienAgendas #IanDouglasAlienAgendasInterview #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #SciFi #ScienceFiction
#militaryscifi #iandouglas #iandouglasinterview #iandouglasalienagendas #iandouglasalienagendasinterview #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #scifi #sciencefiction
While we all recognize the threat of global warning, not everyone would risk as much to fix it as Christian Sparrow, the main character of the romantically-tinged time travel #SciFi #Slipstream novel "Time Bomb." To learn more, check out this exclusive Q&A with author John Patrick.
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#JohnPatrick #JohnPatrickInterview #JohnPatrickTimeBomb #JohnPatrickTimeBombInterview #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #ScienceFiction #Thriller
#scifi #slipstream #johnpatrick #johnpatrickinterview #johnpatricktimebomb #johnpatricktimebombinterview #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #sciencefiction #thriller
With his new Sword & Sorcery fantasy novel "Herald Of The Black Moon," writer Stephen Deas is concluding his "Dominion" trilogy. To learn more, check out this exclusive interview.
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#StephenDeas #StephenDeasInterview #StephenDeasHeraldOfTheBlackMoon #StephenDeasHeraldOfTheBlackMoonInterview #StephenDeasDominion #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #Fantasy #FantasyBookSeries #SwordAndSorcery
#stephendeas #stephendeasinterview #stephendeasheraldoftheblackmoon #stephendeasheraldoftheblackmooninterview #stephendeasdominion #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #Fantasy #fantasybookseries #swordandsorcery
Thanks to "The Last Of Us," mold is having a moment. Which brings me to my new interview with Andrew F Sullivan, author of the #BodyHorror #EcoFiction #UrbanDystopia novel "The Marigold," in which (among other things) a sentient mold is ruining Toronto.
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#AndrewFSullivan #AndrewFSullivanInterview #AndrewFSullivanTheMarigoldAndrewFSullivanTheMarigoldInterview #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #Horror #Dystopia #Dystopian
#bodyhorror #ecofiction #urbandystopia #andrewfsullivan #andrewfsullivaninterview #andrewfsullivanthemarigoldandrewfsullivanthemarigoldinterview #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #horror #dystopia #dystopian
Listening In: Ann-HelΓ©n Laestadius on SΓ‘mi storytelling traditions, journalism, and writing intuitively https://kobowritinglife.com/2023/04/19/listening-in-ann-helen-laestadius-on-sami-storytelling-traditions-journalism-and-writing-intuitively/ #authorinterviews #authorinterview #KoboWritingLife #KoboAudiobooks #audiobooknews #writingadvice #KWLCommunity #storytelling #bestselling #listeningin #Audiobooks #audiobooks #bestseller #interviews #journalism #audiobook #writing #Blog #Kobo #KWL
#authorinterviews #AuthorInterview #kobowritinglife #KoboAudiobooks #audiobooknews #writingadvice #kwlcommunity #storytelling #bestselling #listeningin #audiobooks #bestseller #interviews #journalism #audiobook #writing #blog #kobo #KWL
"The Warden" author Daniel M. Ford is not the first to imagine a crime-solving magic wielder. But this magical mystery is unique for having them be a necromancer. To learn more, check out this exclusive interview.
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#DanielMFord #DanielMFordInterview #DanielMFordTheWarden #DanielMFordTheWardenInterview #DanielMFordTheWardenSeries #DanielMFordNecrobane #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #Fantasy #FantasyBookSeries
#danielmford #danielmfordinterview #danielmfordthewarden #danielmfordthewardeninterview #danielmfordthewardenseries #danielmfordnecrobane #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #Fantasy #fantasybookseries
In my exclusive interview with author Nick Medina, he discusses "Sisters Of The Lost Nation," his mythological horror thriller inspired by, and centered around, the #MissingAndMurderedIndigenousWomenAndGirls epidemic. Here's the link: https://paulsemel.com/exclusive-interview-sisters-of-the-lost-nation-author-nick-medina/
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#NickMedina #NickMedinaInterview #NickMedinaSistersOfTheLostNation #NickMedinaSistersOfTheLostNationInterview #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #Thriller #Horror #MythologicalHorror #MMIWG
#missingandmurderedindigenouswomenandgirls #nickmedina #nickmedinainterview #nickmedinasistersofthelostnation #nickmedinasistersofthelostnationinterview #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #thriller #horror #mythologicalhorror #MMIWG
Though not to first to write a story about people befriending animals, author Fonda Lee does put her own spin on it in her new no-magic / low-magic secondary world fantasy novella "Untethered Sky." To learn how, check out this exclusive interview.
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#FondaLee #FondaLeeInterview #FondaLeeUntetheredSky #FondaLeeUntetheredSkyInterview #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #Fantasy #SecondaryWorldFantasy
#FondaLee #fondaleeinterview #fondaleeuntetheredsky #fondaleeuntetheredskyinterview #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #Fantasy #secondaryworldfantasy
Listening In: Pamela Binnings Ewen talks historical fiction, the joy of research, and marketing with bookmarks https://kobowritinglife.com/2023/04/11/listening-in-pamela-binnings-ewen-talks-historical-fiction-the-joy-of-research-and-marketing-with-bookmarks/ #audiobookproduction #authorinterviews #authorinterview #AuthorSpotlight #KoboWritingLife #KoboAudiobooks #KWLCommunity #authoradvice #listeningin #audiobooks #newrelease #audiobook #writing #tips #KWL
#audiobookproduction #authorinterviews #AuthorInterview #authorspotlight #kobowritinglife #KoboAudiobooks #kwlcommunity #authoradvice #listeningin #audiobooks #newrelease #audiobook #writing #tips #KWL
Unless you're a sweater, or a giant lizard, you probably don't consider moths to be dangerous. But in her dystopian, post-apocalyptic sci-fi novel "Moths," they're dangerous to men as well. To learn more, check out this Q&A.
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#JaneHennigan #JaneHenniganInterview #JaneHenniganMoths #JaneHenniganMothsInterview #JaneHenniganToxxic #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #SciFi #SciFiBooks #ScienceFiction #Dystopia #Dystopian #PostApocalyptic
#janehennigan #janehenniganinterview #janehenniganmoths #janehenniganmothsinterview #janehennigantoxxic #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #scifi #SciFiBooks #sciencefiction #dystopia #dystopian #postapocalyptic
Some writers put their own spin on the legends of King Arthur and the Knights Of The Round Table. Others write supernatural / paranormal detective stories. In my interview with writer Jes Battis, they explain why they did both in their urban fantasy mystery novel "The Winter Knight."
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#JesBattis #JesBattisInterview #JesBattisTheWinterKnight #JesBattisTheWinterKnightInterview #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #UrbanFantasy #Mystery
#jesbattis #jesbattisinterview #jesbattisthewinterknight #jesbattisthewinterknightinterview #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #urbanfantasy #mystery
So in Thomas Mullen's cyberpunk sci-fi mystery novel "Blind Spots," people everywhere have gone blind, but compensate with cybernetic implants...which a murderer has learned how to hack. To learn more, check out this exclusive interview.
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#ThomasMullen #ThomasMullenInterview #ThomasMullenBlindSpots #ThomasMullenBlindSpotsInterview #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #SciFi #SciFiBooks #ScienceFiction #Cyberpunk #Mystery #Thriller #Noir
#thomasmullen #thomasmulleninterview #thomasmullenblindspots #thomasmullenblindspotsinterview #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #scifi #SciFiBooks #sciencefiction #cyberpunk #mystery #thriller #noir
With his new science fiction novel "Escape Orbit," writer Patrick Chiles is presenting the second book of a trilogy, which is both the third and sixth books in a sci-fi series. Which is why, in this exclusive interview, we talked about his dogs.
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#PatrickChiles #PatrickChilesInterview #PatrickChilesEscapeOrbit #PatrickChilesEscapeOrbitInterview #PatrickChilesFrozenOrbit #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #SciFi #ScienceFiction
#patrickchiles #patrickchilesinterview #patrickchilesescapeorbit #patrickchilesescapeorbitinterview #patrickchilesfrozenorbit #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #scifi #sciencefiction
In my new interview with writer Jorie Rao about her urban fantasy novella "Out For Blood" β which is about the Rougarou β she explains her interest in this wolf-man by admitting, "Cryptids are a special interest of mine."
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#JorieRao #JorieRaoInterview #JorieRaoOutForBlood #JorieRaoOutForBloodInterview #SystemaParadoxa #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #UrbanFantasy #Fantasy #Crytpids #Rougarou
#jorierao #jorieraointerview #jorieraooutforblood #jorieraooutforbloodinterview #systemaparadoxa #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #urbanfantasy #Fantasy #crytpids #rougarou
While the fun of a murder mystery novel is figuring out whodunnit, in this exclusive interview with writer Joan Tierney about her Northeastern Gothic murder mystery novella "The Killing Grounds," she admits to turning this idea on its head.
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#JoanTierney #JoanTierneyInterview #JoanTierneyTheKillingGrounds #JoanTierneyTheKillingGroundsInterview #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #Murder #Mystery #MurderMystery
#joantierney #joantierneyinterview #joantierneythekillinggrounds #joantierneythekillinggroundsinterview #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #murder #mystery #MurderMystery