Making press kits for your author website is officially Fiddly and Kinda Annoying innit?
I've got something half-way functional up, but anyone got examples of ones they're pleased with/have had good feedback on???
@bookstodon #WritingLife #WritingCommunity #AuthorWebsites #bookstodon
#writinglife #writingcommunity #authorwebsites #bookstodon
Argh. Spent two days redoing my website via desktop. Only just looked at the mobile version and it needs lots of adjusting. G'ah.
I do prefer a bigger screen/laptop when not on social media/forum sites.
Anyway, here's the link if anyone wants to peek (via desktop if you want to see correct version).
#authorwebsites #authors #writingcommunity
TwitterChat: Selling from an author website with Nate Hoffelder #Sellingfromyourwebsite ##IndieAuthorChat #authorwebsites #AuthorWebsite #TwitterChat #directsales #websites
#Sellingfromyourwebsite #IndieAuthorChat #authorwebsites #authorwebsite #twitterchat #directsales #websites
The Ultimate Guide to Selling Books on your Author Website #BookProduction&DistributionAdvice #RunningAnAuthorBusiness #Self-PublishingLIfe #authorwebsites #selldirect #booksales #business #ranking #selling #author
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18 Questions to Ask when Refreshing your Author Website #TheBusinessofWriting #adviceforwriters #authorwebsites #indieauthors #betareaders
#thebusinessofwriting #adviceforwriters #authorwebsites #indieauthors #betareaders
SEO for Authors #BeginningSelf-Publishing #RunningAnAuthorBusiness #Self-PublishingLIfe #authorwebsites #learnSEO #metadata #SEO
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